"Lazy Bastards: How We Read Online"

Lazy Bastards: How We Read Online,” Michael Agger’s article on Slate.com, gives some good tips for grabbing your online readers’ attention. He reinforces points I often make, including the value of using:

  • White space
  • Bullet points
  • Informative subheadings

Agger also sends you over to “Long vs. Short Articles as Content Strategy” by website usability guru Jakob Nielsen. Short articles beat long articles most of the time, says Nielsen, especially if you want to maximize your readership numbers.

On the other hand—and this is important for financial advisors—if you want people who really need a solution, focus on comprehensive coverage. This is a good strategy if you sell highly targeted solutions to complicated problems.

Still, in Nielsen’s example, “short” is defined as 700 words and “long” as 1,000 words. One thousand words isn’t long compared to some pieces that I’ve seen.

For a competing opinions on going longer or shorter, read my post, “What’s too long for a blog post?

Note: I updated this post on Jan. 23, 2017.





P&I picks best financial blogs

According to the staff at Pensions & Investments magazine, the top three financial blogs are:

  1. The Big Picture
  2. DealBreaker
  3. Infectious Greed

That’s according to to “Pensions & Investments’ Best Blogs and how they got that way,” which also lists some other top blogs.

But blogs get mixed reviews from P&I’s audience. “Turns out some tout the virtues of having fresh and sometimes entertaining voices and unique perspectives not found in typical Wall Street research, while others eschew blogs as unnecessary,” reported Drew Carter in “Ranking the blogs.”

What do you think? Are blogs useful to you?

Should you hyphenate “fixed income”?

It depends.

There are two schools of thoughts about whether to hyphenate compound adjectives, which is what “fixed income” becomes when you use it as an adjective. It’s the reader-friendly approach vs. common usage.


Let’s talk about “fixed income investing.” When you combine an adjective and noun and then use them to describe a second noun, you’re creating a compound adjective.

You’re also making it more difficult for your readers to interpret your text. They’re used to thinking of “income” as a noun, so they may struggle for a moment before they realize that “fixed income” serves as an adjective in “fixed income investing.” Following this line of thought, it’s kinder to your reader to write “fixed-income investing.”

Common usage

Opponents of writing “fixed-income investing” say “fixed income” is so commonly used as an adjective that a hyphen is unnecessary.

Your decision

Grammar Girl says that you should always consider whether a hyphen changes your meaning. As she points out:

  • A hot-water bottle is a bottle for holding hot water.
  • A hot water bottle is a water bottle that is hot.

The Wall Street Journal uses a hyphen when fixed-income is an adjective.

What’s your decision? Is it fixed-income investing or fixed income investing?

Whichever approach you adopt, be consistent in your usage. That will help your readers know what to expect.

Image courtesy of iosphere at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

"Making Money Where Others Fail": Morningstar’s knack for good titles

Who wouldn’t want to read an article entitled “Making Money Where Others Fail“?

That was the title of a recent message from Morningstar’s Fund Spy e-newsletter. I subscribe to Fund Spy partly to study their writing style. You can check out the Fund Spy archive.

"Pension Plans Say Thank You Subprime for Return to Overfunded "

The subprime crisis has an unexpected silver lining.

The resulting demand for high quality corporate bonds has improved the funding status of corporate pension plans. “The combined pensions of S&P 500 companies swung to a $63 billion surplus in 2007 after five years in the red, according to a May 19 report by Standard & Poor’s,” says Miles Weiss in “Pension Plans Say Thank You Subprime for Return to Overfunded.

By the way, this news article suggests a technique you can apply to your investment commentary. Write about an unexpected implication of a widely discussed phenomenon.

"101 Five-Minute Fixes to Incrementally Improve Your Web Site"

Stress benefits. Ensure that your copy always shows users exactly how your site will benefit them.”

That’s fix number 4 of “101 Five-Minute Fixes to Incrementally Improve Your Web Siteand it’s a good one. If the people who visit your website don’t find benefits, rather than just features, they’re likely to flee.

But fixing a website that’s missing benefits is likely to take more than five minutes. It’s often difficult for the website owner to put their business’ benefits into words. Getting feedback from outsiders can often help ensure that you’re on the right track.

Should you use "Track Changes" as you edit articles?

Microsoft Word’s “Track Changes” feature highlights insertions and deletions that different people make in your document. Should you use it as you get input on your article, white paper, investment commentary or other piece?

I like my clients to use Track Changes to show me their edits. But I prefer to turn it off on the versions I send them.

When my clients use Track Changes, I can study their changes to improve my insights into their topic as well as their likes and dislikes. Also, Track Changes shows me where to concentrate my scrutiny of their revisions. Sometimes clients inadvertently introduce typos, grammatical errors, or other problems.

If you become my client, I probably won’t use Track Changes when I send my revisions to you. I believe it’s easier for you to assess my work without the distraction of insertions and deletions in red. In addition, I don’t want to bore you with the minutiae of whether “which” should replace “that.” However, I’ll alert you in my cover note–or using Word’s “Comment” feature, if I have questions.

I’m writing about this topic because of an interview I heard on National Public Radio with the co-authors of a new book on the brain. One of the authors said something like this:

We made a rule that we weren’t going to use Track Changes when we passed changes back and forth because if a change wasn’t important enough to notice, then it wasn’t important enough to complain about.

What’s your preference about Track Changes? Why?

How to get a portfolio manager’s attention, and other email tips from an investment marketing consultant

It’s not easy getting portfolio managers to open your emails. That’s why investment marketing consultant Jen Dunning sometimes writes her email subject lines completely in capital letters.

“INVESTMENT COMMENTARY – PLEASE APPROVE BY JUNE 30” grabs the reader’s attention where a meeker “Please approve by June 30” would not. Note that she puts her key action verb, “approve,” and its object, “investment commentary,” in the subject line. That also boosts her emails’ effectiveness.

But limit your use of all-capitals subject lines to rare instances of pressing need with people who work for your own organization. You risk irritating your recipient if you use all-caps too often. It flouts the rules of email etiquette and is considered “shouting.”

Some additional email tips from Dunning:

  • Save your pleasantries for the end of your email because busy readers want to get to the point right away
  • Before you attach an Excel file, name it and insert page breaks and headers and footers, including page numbers and total number of pages


Producing investment pitch books without losing your mind, and other advice from Margaret Patterson

Designer Margaret Patterson’s posts about investment management pitch books were among the most popular on my previous blog. Her tips can make producing these important marketing materials less stressful.

Here are links to her posts.

Contact Margaret by posting a comment on this blog. Or, if you’re a potential client, call her at 617-971-0328.

Writing Sample: "Don’t Get Stuck Paying Extra Taxes"

The subject line “Don’t Get Stuck Paying Extra Taxes” compelled me to open the e-mail.

That’s the power of a subject line that tells the reader “what’s in it for me.”

I opened the latest e-newsletter from Westchester Mortgage even though I was pretty sure I’m not making any dumb tax mistakes with my house. I was right. The article warned readers to be careful when using money from a retirement account to buy a house. Luckily, I don’t have to worry about that. I’ve been in my house more than 15 years.

Try to put yourself in your readers’ shoes when you compose an e-mail subject line. Your effort could increase your readership.