Can you help your clients to control their fears?

The Intelligent Investor’s column on “How to Control Your Fears in a Fearsome Market” inspired this blog post.

Author Jason Zweig lists four techniques that individuals can use to manage the stress they feel when the market tanks. You might be able to apply some of them in your conversations with clients.

For example, consider his advice to reappraise.

Forget what you paid for that stock or fund; instead, imagine it was a gift. Now that it is priced, say, 20% more cheaply than in December, should you want to return the gift? Or should you buy more while it is on sale? (If rethinking a fallen price this way doesn’t make you feel better, maybe you should sell.)

I think that you could talk your clients through a reappraisal following Zweig’s advice.

It might not work for every client. But you–and your client–will feel good when you success.

Have you ever tried this? Leave your comments below.


How to boost your website’s rank in Internet searches

Use keywords well and you boost the odds that potential clients will find you in their Internet searches.

Fifteen places you must place your Keyword Phrase and the why behind it” provides some helpful hints. At a minimum, make sure the person putting up your website knows the “behind the scenes” tricks for placing keywords. 

Tread more carefully when it comes to inserting keywords into your text. Excessive use of keywords can make your writing clunky. It can drive away the very people you want to attract.

What Jason Zweig does right–and wrong–in his inaugural column

Stop Worrying, and Learn to Love the Bear.”

I love the title of Jason Zweig’s inaugural “The Intelligent Investor” column for The Wall Street Journal. With this title, Zweig follows advice I give to writers of investment commentary. He takes something that’s viewed as negative and finds the positive side. That’s a great way to grab your reader’s attention.

Zweig says, “…if you are still in your saving and investing years, a bear market is a gift from the financial gods — and the longer it lasts, the better off you will be. Instead of running from the bear, you should embrace him.” So that’s his thesis. 

But Zweig falls short in explaining how the bear market will help investors, other than offering the opportunity to buy good stocks cheaply. He gives the example of how the last long bear market—1969-1982—set the stage for stocks to return 18.5% a year for the 18 years following the bear market’s end.

Let’s assume—and it’s a big assumption—that scenario will repeat. Then, sure, folks who are just starting their saving and investing would end up better off. But what about those who are in the midst of their saving and investing? Will they ever make up their losses?

Website demystifies confusing words

NOTE: The Confusing Words website no longer exists. 

Try searching  the Common Errors in English Usage website. Or, search in Google for the confusing pair, for example, “capitol vs. capital” to check if you’re right.

The Confusing Words website clarifies the differences between sets of two or more frequently confused words. Visit it when you’re confused about which word to use.

According to the website, some classic pairs of misunderstood or misused words include:

  • Affect vs. effect
  • Capitol vs. capital
  •  Affluent vs. effluent — I’ll bet there aren’t any financial advisors who make this mistake!
  • Atheist vs. agnostic

I read about this in Daphne Gray-Grant’s Power Writing e-newsletter.

April 9, 2013 update: Common Errors in English Usage covers some similar information. Thanks, @Blano, for bringing it to my attention!

March 23, 2018: I updated this post to reflect the disappearance of the Confusing Words website.


"Should you use quotes like PIMCO’s Bill Gross?"

If you don’t subscribe to my e-newsletter, you missed “Should you use quotes like PIMCO’s Bill Gross?” 

This article appeared exclusively in my e-newsletter and provided advice on how to use one of Gross’ investment commentary techniques.

A great way for financial advisors to leverage existing content

A blog can be a great way for financial advisors to leverage their inventory of compliance-approved articles. That’s according to my interview with Stuart Zimmerman, principal, and Jim Cornfeld, investment advisor, The Buckingham Family of Financial Services. However, it’s too early to tell if the blog will yield financial benefits.

Cornfeld started The Educated Investor blog in February, after the Financial Executives Networking Group (FENG) St. Louis offered to host blogs for its members on its website. “The group is a good demographic for us. It fits one of our niches: corporate executives,” he said.

The firm’s additional goals for the blog include:

  1. Serving as an easy place to refer clients and prospects for useful, educational articles
  2. Potentially attracting new business from web surfers who find it through online searches

Zimmerman said the blog is already handy for achieving goal number one. However, “We haven’t received any calls from prospects saying ‘We saw your blog.’ ” On the other hand, some of their articles, such as their interview with Harvard’s David Laibson and an article on geographic diversification of muni bond investing, have ranked highly in Google’s Blog Search.

Financial advisors who want to blog face two challenges: 1) compliance; 2) content generation. Buckingham may be better positioned than your typical investment advisor. Their business model includes generating a good many compliance-approved articles for use in their newsletter and for use by the 116 RIA firms that use their back office services for passive investing. “We already invested time writing these articles for other purposes,” said Cornfeld.

Another strategy that Buckingham uses to manage compliance issues: It doesn’t allow comments on its blog posts. If Buckingham wanted to reply to reader comments, it would have to run its responses through Compliance.

Talking with Cornfeld and Zimmerman got me thinking about “The Real ROI of Blogging,” an article on MarketingProfs’ Daily Fix blog. Blogger Lewis Green measures the ROI on his blog not just in terms of profits, revenue or new business leads and referrals. He also considers the blog’s impact in terms of getting his firm noticed and improving his customers’ experience and loyalty. Financial advisors should also consider these benefits.

"Tool: Google Trends"

Google Trends will help you figure out which of your key words are searched most frequently.

Learn more in “Tool: Google Trends” on Erik Sherman’s Writer Biz blog.

Advice from the SEC’s expert on plain English

The SEC has tapped William Lutz to lead its “21st Century Disclosure Initiative.”

In honor of his appointment, here’s his “Rules for Writing Plain English: How You Can Write Plain Language by Just Following These 39 Steps” (2018 update: sorry, but his article is no longer available on the website of the Plain Language Association International).

Writing plain English isn’t as easy as the title suggests.

For example, Step 5 is “Keep equivalent items parallel.” Even if you understand what that means, I’ll bet that many people don’t. The article offers a good example of parallel structure. Each of the 39 steps begins with a verb in the same tense. Each uses an imperative verb–a verb that commands you to do something. Parallelism can involve more than just tense, as you’ll see in the Online Writing Lab’s explanation of parallel structures. Using parallel structure in lists makes it easier for your readers to understand you.

Generally, “less is more” applies to writing. But sometimes deleting words can land you in trouble. Lutz gives a good example of that with the “whiz-deletion” he describes at the bottom of his article.

E-mail tips from Seth Godin

The email checklist at Seth Godin’s blog starts out with some good tips on slimming your email distribution list.

I also liked his suggestion of asking whether your email is important enough that you’d spend the price of a postage stamp on it.

I’m glad that Erika Dreifus’ Practicing Writing blog sent me to this post.

Your website’s "About Us" page could make the sale

The company information in your website’s “About Us” page could make the difference between winning or losing a new client.

“Although it might not solely make a purchase, a bad ‘About Us’ page can definitely stop a purchase from happening,” according to “Why You Must Pay More Attention to Your ‘About Us’ Page” on the MarketingSherpa website.

Keep your “About Us” page up-to-date and filled with information that will convince your prospects’ executives of your firm’s reliability, advises MarketingSherpa.