“Turn signals” and good writing

“Use ‘turn signals’ to guide your reader from sentence to sentence,” suggests Kenneth W. Davis  in The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Business Writing and Communication (p. 24).

I like Davis’ analogy, but I think it’s even more important to apply it at a higher level than sentences. Every time your article, blog post, or other written communication changes direction, you should signal that to your readers.

Two key “turn signals” for writers are headings and topic sentences.

Headings show that a new section, typically running more than one paragraph in length, has started.

A topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph. It sums up or introduces the topic of the paragraph that follows.

Here’s a test to see if you’re using a writer’s turn signals effectively. Read out loud your headings and topic sentences in the order in which they appear. If a listener can grasp the gist of your argument from them, you’ve done your job.

Let’s submit this blog post to the test.

  • “Use ‘turn signals’ to guide your reader from sentence to sentence,” suggests Kenneth W. Davis  in the McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Business Writing and Communication (p. 24).
  • I like Davis’ analogy, but I think it’s even more important to apply it at a higher level than sentences.
  • Two key “turn signals” for writers are headings and topic sentences.
  • Headings show that a new section, typically running more than one paragraph in length, has started.
  • A topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph.
  • Here’s a test to see if you’re using a writer’s turn signals effectively.

What do you think? Do turn signals help?


Blog post vs. white paper: How do you decide?

An Iranian watercolor struck me as a way to show the difference between a blog post topic and a white paper topic.

“A School Scene,” which you see in the photo above, is beautiful. But it has too much going on to be a blog post.

Blog posts should focus tightly on one topic. Like the painting section below, which shows three men sitting below a tree.

A white paper is the longest piece most advisors will write. Its length means it might be able to accommodate the entire painting.

Like a blog post, a white paper should focus on a single theme. However, it offers more opportunities for depth and diversions.

In a white paper, the painting section in the upper right-hand corner would dominate. You’d work in the other areas of the painting to the extent they support the dominant section’s theme. An area with a weak, yet useful connection might become a sidebar, isolated in a box so it wouldn’t disrupt the main argument’s flow.

Some of the decorative elements in this painting might be too much for a white paper. They might be appropriate for a scholarly article, fiction, or a full-length book.

If this analogy helped you, please comment

Sometimes pictures make it easier to understand concepts normally explained using words. Did these two pictures help you? Do you have an image that helps you write better? Please share.

If your firm needs help with writing or editing white papers, please contact me. To learn more about what makes for a great white paper, read “White paper marketing: Walk a fine line.”


Snare more readers with this technique from Floyd Norris

Floyd Norris articleSurprise me. Please.

An introduction that puts an unexpected twist on a topic, like the one in Floyd Norris’ “Lessons from Europe on Averting Disaster,” can intrigue your reader into sticking with your article.

The intro that snared me

Here’s how Norris kicked off his article.

Will the United States follow the European path in 2013?

Let’s hope so.

Huh? Is Norris really talking about Europe, that continent with a weak economy and gazillion gloomy statistics?

Yes, he is. He identified one good thing that happened in Europe during the past year: Key players agreed on a goal and did what was needed. The rest of his article explains how this applies to the United States.

How have YOU surprised your readers?

If your introductions have confounded expectations to intrigue your readers, please share your example in the comments.

Floyd Norris, my role model

I am a Floyd Norris groupie. He has inspired more of my blog posts than any other individual. I count six of them, including “Plain English can bring your financial topic to life” and “Financial writers clinic: Lessons from Floyd Norris of The New York Times.” I think it’s because he writes clearly about economic and market topics in a style that’s suited to writers of blogs, articles, and white papers. Check out his “High and Low Finance” columns in The New York Times.


How to succeed with your New Year’s resolution to blog more

Blogging more frequently is high on my friends’ lists of writing-related New Year’s resolutions. This spurred me to wonder how you can use a great free class, “3 Tiny Habits,” to form new habits that will boost your blogging throughout the year. I am a recent fan of this class offered by BJ Fogg of Stanford University.

The thrust of Fogg’s week-long class is to get you to commit to three small behavior changes that are triggered by something you do everyday. For example, one of my recent changes is to put baking soda on my toothbrush the first time I go into the bathroom every morning. Having done that, I almost effortlessly flow into brushing and flossing my teeth. For more details on the class, you can sign up online. Fogg explains his class better than I can.

Daily habits that can help you blog

There should be a way to use Fogg’s class to help you blog more regularly. You’ll need to identify two things: 1) A tiny habit that will encourage writing and 2) a good trigger.

Where do you typically get stuck in your blogging? This is where you should look for your tiny habit.

If you’re short on ideas, your tiny habit could be to get out a piece of paper or open your mind-mapping software. Either quickly completed habit could lead to brainstorming ideas by creating a mind map.

If you have plenty of ideas that you’re not typing up, you could open a new post in WordPress, write a title down on a steno pad, or open dictation software.

If you have lots of incomplete drafts, then plan to type one word into one draft every day.

The triggers for these tiny habits could be something as simple as starting up your computer or opening your web browser.

What will YOU do?

How are you going to boost your blogging in the New Year? I’d like to hear from you, especially if you find Fogg’s techniques helpful or if you have suggestions that may help others succeed.

Different techniques work for different people. I rely heavily on the approach I describe in “No batteries required: My favorite blogging technique.” It has helped me to schedule at least one post per week from now through early April. If you’re a person who takes schoolwork seriously, you may find it helpful to sign up for my writing class, “How to Write Blog Posts People Will Read: A 5-Lesson Class for Financial Advisors.” The class will show you you a step-by-step process for producing blog posts on a regular schedule.


Image courtesy of 89studio / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Get a break now, do the work in 2013

I have a solution if you

  • Face a “use it or lose it” dilemma with your 2011 training budget
  • Wish to boost your 2011 tax deductions for business or educational expenses
  • Would enjoy buying a present now to unwrap in 2012–a present that will jump-start progress on 2012 New Year’s resolutions

Sign up now for the next session of “How to Write Blog Posts People Will Read: A 5-Lesson Class for Financial Advisors.” You’ll pay the discounted Early Bird Rate for the class starting on January 23, 2013.

You will learn how to

  • Generate and refine ideas for blog posts that will engage your readers
  • Organize your thoughts before you write, so you can write more quickly and effectively
  • Edit your writing, so it’s reader-friendly and appealing

Register for How to Write Blog Posts People Will Read: A 5-Week Writing Teleclass for Financial Advisors in Once-a-week telephone conference call for 5 weeks, April 22-May 20  on Eventbrite

When you participate fully in this class, you’ll end up with one polished blog post–and a process you can follow to generate many more. Click here to learn more!

Guest bloggers: 2012 in review

I’m thankful for the knowledgeable and talented professionals who have contributed guest posts to my blog this year.

Here’s a list of guest posts.



I also hosted some wonderful guest bloggers last year. See “Guest bloggers: 2011 in review.”

Guest post: “Peter Lynch Went Grocery Shopping With Me At Whole Foods The Other Day”

I chuckled, and then I thought, I must ask this author to guest-blog for me, after I heard some of the blog post titlesfor example, “How A Threesome Can Improve Your Retirement created by Ted Jenkin, co-CEO and founder of oXYGen Financial. I’m glad his co-CEO Kile Lewis introduced us at an FPA Experience cocktail party so Ted can share with you his ideas about how to come up with catchy titles.

Peter Lynch Went Grocery Shopping With Me

At Whole Foods The Other Day

By Ted Jenkin

For the past three years, I have been an avid personal finance blogger discussing everything from managing your wealth to mitigating your tax liability. No matter how substantive the topics I wrote about in the personal finance sector, the big question was whether someone would actually read my content. As bloggers, we often believe that our most recent post will change the lives of millions, but in reality only a handful of people may click through your e-mailed link to read your weekly blog post. The art of creating effective titles is incredibly important because if your title and opening paragraph are catchy and interesting, your readers are more inclined to check out the rest of the article.

Take the title I opened up with in this article. Did it make you at least a little bit curious about what happened when Peter Lynch went grocery shopping with me at Whole Foods the other day? Or did you think that it couldn’t possibly be true that he actually went grocery shopping with me? Perhaps I won some sort of investment contest to get the great Peter Lynch to go grocery shopping with me. In all seriousness, what I would have written about in an article like this where I threw a catchy title like that at you is how picking stocks in companies you know is better than choosing ones that you don’t know. The article would have gone on to discuss the importance of believing in the brands you buy, and said that perhaps some of your next best stock buys are the very items that you put in your grocery cart when you go to the market. It worked 30 years ago for Peter Lynch in his prime and that philosophy probably wouldn’t be a bad one to apply in today’s rocky stock market environment.

So here are three tips from one blogger to another about my thoughts on how to write catchy titles:

  1. THINK THE ENQUIRER– As the saying goes, “Enquiring minds want to know.” But it’s more like people want the dirty laundry gossip about what is going on in the lives of others. What the National Enquirer does in a most brilliant fashion is to deliver hard-hitting titles that make you want to pick up a copy at the store while checking out your groceries. Top stories during the week that I wrote this post included LATIFAH WILL DROP LESBIAN CONFESSION ON LIVE-TV, MILEY CRUSHING FOR PORN STAR!, and IS IT TRUE WHAT THEY’RE SAYING ABOUT DIANE SAWYER, BOOZY or BEAT? If you saw Diane Sawyer after the election, you surely might read the Boozy or Beat article. I know I would pay a $1.00 just to check that one out. The first point of writing good lead-ins to your blog posts is to make sure you hit your audience hard with something that may get them engaged in the first paragraph.
  2. LATE NIGHT GOOGLING– The second idea behind writing smart headlines for your blogs is to think about how people may go about searching for your content. One of the interesting things about human beings when they begin to Google is often they aren’t 100% certain what they are really looking for when they begin searching on Google. So, using intros in your headlines with phrases like “How To,” “Top 10,” and “Big Mistakes” are all beginnings to how a person may search for content. Remember that Google likes to index popular searches so try typing in a few different phrases around the content of the article you are writing to grab some ideas. This may also allow your article to rise to page one more quickly within a Google search.
  3. SEX SELLS- Whether or not you like to admit it, everyone quickly perks up when they see something hot and steamy. This is why public sex scandals and extracurricular activities become so viral in the news we read every day. How many of you quickly homed in on the recent story of David Petraeus, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, getting busted for having an extramarital affair? Would you open an article with the headline that read, “CIA Director Wants More Than Just A Google Hangout?” I recently incorporated a great “sex sells” headline in an article I wrote about pensions: “How A Threesome Can Improve Your Retirement. The title raised some eyebrows but got my emails more than a 50% open rate.

If you are a frequent blogger, writing ongoing content can be a challenging process especially when you’ve written more than 500 to 1,000 posts. Sometimes, if you can create yourself a juicy headline it can actually spur on the creative writing process to produce a really high quality piece of content your readers will enjoy. You don’t have to draw people in by telling them you were abducted by space aliens, but it doesn’t hurt to drop a little Kim Kardashian or Britney Spears . . . As long as you aren’t exposing any body parts 🙂


oXYGen Financial, Inc. co-CEO Ted Jenkin is one of the foremost knowledgeable professionals in giving financial advice to the X and Y Generation.

TED JENKIN IS SECURITIES LICENSED THROUGH INVESTACORP, INC. A REGISTERED BROKER/DEALER MEMBER FINRA, SIPC. ADVISORY SERVICES OFFERED THROUGH INVESTACORP ADVISORY SERVICES, INC. A SEC REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISORY FIRM. Linked sites are strictly provided as a courtesy. Investacorp, Inc., and its affiliates, do not guarantee, approve nor endorse the information or products available at these sites nor do links indicate any association with or endorsement of the linked sites by Investacorp, Inc. and its affiliates.

Which format do you prefer for how-to books?

Please help me figure out the right format for my forthcoming how-to book. Just answer the two-question survey below. Thank you!

Why hire a writer? Three powerful reasons

You can write. You know your company, products, and services better than anyone else. You may even be a great writer. So why should you hire a freelance writer instead of writing your own article, white paper, or other piece?

1. Your project will be completed on time

You’ve got lots of work to do. Writing keeps getting pushed to the back of the line. A writer who understands the importance of deadlines will give you a realistic schedule and complete your project on time.

2. Your topic will be explained clearly

Experts like you often suffer from the curse of knowledge, a term I first encountered in Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath. It’s hard for you to explain things to outsiders because you know too much. You may get bogged down in details before you tell readers why they should care about your topic.

A writer can tackle your topic from the perspective of an outsider. Journalistic skills help the writer draw out the right information when they interview you.

3. Your piece will be easy to read

Writing isn’t your focus. Despite your talent, you lack the time to edit and proofread carefully. When you reserve your energy for editing and proofreading your professional writer, you’re bound to get better results.


Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

How I work with financial advisors

Q.  How do you work with financial advisors?

A. I work with financial advisors as well as larger companies in investment management, wealth management, financial planning, and vendors to those industries. My work with all of these companies shares a common theme: helping people to write more efficiently and effectively for their target audiences.

The work I do with advisors tends to differ from that I do for larger companies. For advisors, I focus on teaching them how to write better. I’ve been doing this for years on my blog. In 2006, I started teaching CFA charterholders to write better investment commentary. A few years ago I added a virtual class, “How to Write Blog Posts People Will Read: A 5-Lesson Class for Financial Advisors.” The class includes a private forum and homework. Students receive personalized feedback from me.

Advisors will soon be able to learn blogging with a new e-book, Simply Irresistible: Writing Financial Blog Posts People Will Read. The book will help them boost their blogging results with a step-by-step process and worksheets.

I created the class and developed the book for price-sensitive advisors who want the benefit of my expertise but are on a tight budget or have one-time needs. As a writer-editor, I work mainly with companies with larger budgets and ongoing needs.  Those companies are also welcome to take advantage of my training and book.