Ssh, don’t tell my husband: A writing tip

I love Floyd Norris, the “Off the Charts” columnist for The New York Times. That’s what you shouldn’t tell my husband. However, if you’re an investment professional or financial advisor who writes, you should love him, too. Why? Because he writes clearly and in an engaging manner about markets and the economy.

You can find ideas in how Norris

  • Writes his ledes, those first sentences or paragraphs of your articles, blog posts, or investment commentary—I discuss this in “Snare more readers with this technique from Floyd Norris
  • Uses charts and graphs, a key component of white papers, investment commentary, and many other financial communications
  • Uses words skillfully—I discuss this in “Plain English can bring your financial topic to life
    Vary your paragraph length like NYT columnist Floyd Norris – See more at:

For more examples of lessons I’ve learned from Norris, read:

Financial writers clinic: Lessons from Floyd Norris of The New York Times – See more at:
Financial writers clinic: Lessons from Floyd Norris of The New York Times – See more at:



Ask your reader’s questions, says Donald Murray

When you write, ask the questions your readers want answered, as journalist Donald M. Murray suggests in Writing to Deadline: The Journalist at Work.Writing to Deadline by Donald Murray

Murray found that the most important questions

…were not the questions I wanted to ask or even the questions my editor told me to ask. They were the questions that the reader would ask and if I did not answer them the reader would be unsatisfied.

For example, let’s assume you’re writing about education savings accounts. As a financial professional, you may be fascinated by the gritty details of each account time, the exceptions to the account rules, or how the accounts can help you with a specific client in an unusual situation.

Your questions will differ from those of your readers. They may ask the following questions:

  • What are the “big picture” differences between account types?
  • Which account is right for me and my family?
  • Are there any pitfalls I should understand?
  • How do I open an account?

Murray suggests that writers should seek to identify five key questions from the reader’s perspective. Sometimes, he admits, you’ll end up with fewer or provide the information that your that your reader seeks. The main thing is to provide information that your reader seeks.

Murray also says that “When I come to write the story, I order the questions in the sequence I think the reader will ask them.” This is a good tip for you, too.

As I emphasize in Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients, it’s important to understand the perspective of your target audience. When you address their concerns, you’ll deepen your connection with them.

Disclosure: If you click on the Amazon link in this post and then buy something, I will receive a small commission. I only link to books in which I find some value for my blog’s readers.

How to capitalize financial acronyms

Is it “LIBOR” or “Libor”? I’m startled by seeing the acronym for the London Interbank Offered Rate spelled with only the initial letter capitalized. I believe that every letter of an acronym should be capitalized to communicate that the word is an acronym, a form of abbreviation created from initial letters or syllables of a term such as the London Interbank Offered Rate.

Garner’s Modern American Usage agrees that using all capitals is common in American English, but the British tend to capitalize only the first letter. Perhaps the U.K. is the origin of this practice spreading to the U.S. According to Amy Einsohn’s A Copyeditor’s Handbook: A Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications, many newspapers now use “Initial cap only for acronyms five letters or longer that are pronounced as words.” For example, “Nafta” or “Erisa.”

I don’t like the trend to mix the upper and lower cases in acronyms, turning LIBOR into Libor. Spelling an acronym using only upper-case letters gently reminds the reader that the term is an acronym. This is helpful, in my opinion.

To define and use parentheses or not?

Acronyms are often spelled out when first used in a document. For example, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). However, Einsohn says, “In documents addressed to scientists, technical experts, and other professional experts, acronyms that are standard in the field may usually be used without any introduction.”

In the case of LIBOR, the spelled-out term doesn’t mean much to readers. It’s useful to describe how LIBOR is used, for example, as a benchmark for short-term interest rates.


Disclosure: If you click on the Amazon link in this post and then buy something, I will receive a small commission. I only link to books in which I find some value for my blog’s readers.

It’s wrong to be right

Writers, sometimes it’s wrong for you to write in a way that’s technically correct.

Here’s how Claire Kehrwald Cook explains this phenomenon in Line by Line: How to Edit Your Own Writing:

Idiom, the normal pattern of the language, sometimes runs counter to both grammar and logic, but it must prevail. A construction that sounds wrong to the educated ear works against you, even though it’s arguably correct.

In other words, if a sentence is correct, but sounds funny, consider rewriting it so you don’t distract your reader.

For example, Winston Churchill is reported to have said, “This is the sort of pedantry up with which I will not put.” He didn’t believe in mindlessly refusing to put a preposition at the end of a sentence.

Key Steps in Writing a Research Report

Securities analysts want to write better. I know this from conversations and the fact that “Writing resources for equity research analysts” is one of my most popular blog posts. I’m delighted to share tips for writing securities research reports from Tom Brakke, author of Letters to a Young Analyst. Many of Tom’s suggestions apply to other forms of writing. For example, “Don’t try to tell them everything you know.”

Key Steps in Writing a Research Report
By Tom Brakke, CFA

“How do I write a good research report?”

There are many kinds of answers to that question, starting with this one: Good writers produce good research reports. The basics matter: a strong narrative structure, clear sentences, and compelling content can make a research report better, just as is the case with other forms of writing.

Taking a wider view, I think the responsibilities of investment professionals can be viewed as a combination of analysis plus communication. Throughout my years in the industry, I have observed that far too little attention is paid to the second half of that formula.

Therefore, the need for effective communications is a persistent theme in my book, Letters to a Young Analyst (which includes advice and commentary from me and a number of veteran investors, plus an extensive collection of resources). Most professionals – and most organizations – underestimate the power that comes from the proper delivery of an idea; they think that a good idea will naturally thrive on its own merits.

To stand out, you should care about and focus on the quality of your communications, whether they are verbal or written (and whether they are brief or encyclopedic). That pays dividends over time.

Of course, you have to work within the norms and templates of your organization. That can constrain your ability to communicate as well as you otherwise could. For example, look at the range of reports from sell-side firms. They are remarkably alike one to another and a great many are fill-in-the-blank exercises rather than sound communications tools.

Whatever the constraints within which you are operating, a few simple reminders can be very important (as I explained in greater depth on Quora):

Know your audience.

Don’t do what everyone else is doing. If you’re going to add value, your content needs to be different and, optimally, your presentation of it should be too.

Don’t try to tell them everything you know. Most analysts get tripped up here. Usually there are two or three things that matter. And sometimes one chart can tell the essence of a story.

Let them understand the “how” of what you have done. The narrative of your analytical approach can be very persuasive.

Put your unique conclusions in the context of the prevailing opinions on the stock. Plus, you don’t need to reiterate what everyone knows.

Use images. And, please, use good ones. I’m aghast at the poor quality of charts and tables in most research reports.

A helpful set of steps for communicating stock recommendations comes from Jim Valentine, the author of Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts. (In my review, I called it “the book on equity research.”) His guidance for clients includes three steps:

Ensure the content has value. Valentine uses his ENTER™ framework as a guide: The information should be Expectational, Novel, Thorough, Examinable, and Revealing.

Utilize the optimal channel. There are so many ways to communicate your messages. Consider which (or which combination) will be most effective.

Ensure the message has value. This is his ADViCE™ framework. Aware, Differentiated, Validated, Conclusion-oriented, and Easy-to-consume.

Finally, be yourself. A unique voice is more valuable than a common one.

What Marilyn Monroe taught me about writing

I hadn’t painted since elementary school when I went to the Paint Monkey during a vacation in Pittsburgh. My goal? To paint a fill-in-the-outlines portrait of Marilyn Monroe like everyone else in the class. The result? I was reminded of some important lessons that apply to writing.

1. Showing personality helps

I made Marilyn Monroe’s face purple and her lips yellow because I was feeling rebellious. I “knew” my painting would be awful, so I decided to make it outrageously colored. To my surprise, some of my friends “liked” the photo when I posted it on social media. Sometimes showing personality works.

I’ve written about showing personality in your blog posts in “How to add personality and warmth to your financial writing–Part one” and “Part two.”

2. You can benefit from following someone else’s structure

My painting of Marilyn Monroe is recognizably Marilyn, thanks to my painting in between the lines on the canvas provided by the studio. Believe me, my freehand attempt at painting Marilyn would look nothing like her.

Following a model when you write can provide similar results. My favorite model is to define a problem and then provide a solution. I elaborate on this in “Make your writing easier with my fill-in-the-blanks approach for structuring articles.” You’ll find another model in “Blogging with James B. Stewart of The New York Times.”

3. You learn by doing and re-doing

I made mistakes painting Marilyn, starting with mixing my paint colors. If I could do it over, I’d do a better job. I learned from my mistakes.

Do-overs are easier in writing. You don’t need to buy another canvas or tubes of paint. Just open up the file on your computer and start typing.

Writing a list? Use parallel construction

Lists are a great way to provide easy-to-skim content. This accounts for the popularity of blog posts with titles such as “Top 10 Ways to…” or “3 fatal mistakes of…” However, please construct your posts well, or you’ll lose readers.

One of the most important rules for lists is to use parallel construction. What’s that? For example, if the first of your “Three best tips” starts with an imperative verb saying “Do this,” then the rest of your tips should do the same.

Let’s compare Example A, which uses parallel construction, with Example B, so you can see how much better Example A is.

Here’s Example A:

1. Review your blog post to see if it includes the right information.

2. Check to see if the information is presented in the right order.

3. Copyedit your text.

Here’s example B:

1. Reviewing your blog post to see if it includes the right information can be helpful.

2. Check to see if the information is presented in the right order.

3. The final step is to copyedit your text.

If you’re like most people, you found Example A easier to skim and absorb than Example B.

Even professionally edited publications sometimes forget about the importance of parallel construction. I wrote this blog post after reading an article that promised a list of mistaken investment beliefs. Some of the items fit the description of “mistaken beliefs.” For example, the author does not believe that “‘Volatility’ Is For Misguided Geeks.” However, another item on the list shared one of the author’s beliefs instead of someone else’s mistaken belief.  Yet another item on the list was the author’s request to readers. I appreciated the author’s colorful writing. His headings were intriguing. However, I wish that he’d followed the rules of parallel construction.


Image courtesy of sritangphoto/

How to discuss index and portfolio returns: My case against synonyms for “return”

How many ways can you say “returned” when writing about indexes and portfolios? This question seems to eat at many investment and marketing professionals.

I’m delighted that writers of market and portfolio performance commentary seek to make their writing more lively for their readers. I know that’s why they’re asking about synonyms for the verb “return.” However, they have hit one of my hot buttons. Please, please, please stop using gazillion synonyms for “return,” “rise,” and “fall” when you write dense paragraphs.

Why do I say this? When you read a dense paragraph or report with many return numbers, it becomes hard to absorb them if your brain also has to interpret the different words representing “return.” For example, you have to decide “Is ‘delivered’ positive or negative?” or you must recognize that 5% is positive when it follows “gained,” but negative when it follows “fell.” Sure, it’s not brain surgery. However, it slows your readers.

Please take the test below.

Which of the following is easier to understand?

If you’re skimming or reading in a hurry, like so many of us, which of the following sentences can you understand more quickly?

  1. The S&P 500 returned 2.9% vs. -1.3% for EAFE.
  2. The S&P 500 was up 2.9%, while EAFE was down 1.3%.

I am such a strong believer in #1, that I’m posting a poll where you can answer this question. Let’s see what people say. The poll offers a “comment” box if you’d like to opine on this topic.

My suggestions for return-heavy paragraphs

1. Stick with the verb “return.”

2. If you’re comparing two numbers, put the numbers close together for easier comprehension. In other words, “The S&P 500 returned 2.9% vs. -1.3% for EAFE” instead of “The S&P 500 returned 2.9% and EAFE returned -1.3%.”

3. When reporting more than two returns, consider using a table or graph. It’s easier to scan data arranged neatly in columns than in a long, long sentence. You can still refer to the returns in your text, along with a suggestion to “See the table of index returns.”

4. Present returns in a logical order. For example, give all stock index returns first, followed by all bond index returns. Or, all U.S. index returns, followed by developed country and then emerging market returns.

When “return” synonyms are okay

I am happiest to see synonyms for “return” when a paragraph is devoted to a single index. For example, “The S&P 500 soared 25% for these three reasons…”

A little variety is okay even when you’re discussing more than one index. Perhaps you start with plain old “returned” for one index and then use “soared” for the second index to add emphasis and personality. Just don’t throw too many synonyms at me or I’ll get cranky. More importantly, you’ll lose readers when they get bogged down in SynonymLand.

Don’t give up on colorful language

My rant against synonyms for “return” shouldn’t scare you away from using colorful language in other places. I’m generally a big fan of powerful verbs and language that shows your personality. I’m leery of synonyms only when they interfere with comprehension.

Note: Edited on June 10, 2014, for clarity.

 Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

A case against writing outlines

I’m not a big fan of outlines.

I wrote my Ph.D. dissertation using outlines. Perhaps that’s partly why the process felt like such a struggle. Since then, I’ve shifted from outlining to mind mapping.

Here’s what Donald Murray, author of Writing to Deadline: The Author at Work,Writing to Deadline by Donald Murray says about outlines:

…I found that formal outlines were prisons that restricted thought and discovery. They imposed a conscious organization that suppressed the subconscious text where real writing is done.

Murray’s statement resonates with me. How about you?

If you’d like to learn more about mind mapping, you’ll find step-by-step instructions in Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients. You can also find some information on this blog, including “Photo + Mind Map = Blog Inspiration.”

FPA Connect – a secret weapon to improve your writing?

The Financial Planning Association of Colorado inspired this tip, as a result of my speaking there in April 2014. The tip? If you’re a Financial Planning Association member struggling to find plain language to explain a technical term, ask your colleagues on FPA Connect for help.

If you’re not an FPA member, tap other organizations or social networks.

Plain language is more powerful

As I’ve said earlier, “Simple language helps your readers, even when they understand technical terms.”

For less sophisticated readers, technical terms block their understanding of your message. You may lose them as soon as they see jargon.

Standard references may fall short

You have resources to help you restate complex terms in plain language. Sources like Investopedia, InvestorWords, and the Morningstar Investing Glossary.

However, sometimes those sources fall short. They may lack the terms you need. This is when asking others for help can save the day.

Ask your peers for help

“How can I handle a complex technical term like ____?” asked a participant in my Colorado FPA presentation on “Writing Effective Emails and Letters.” It was a tough one. I had no idea how to simplify it on the spot.

However, an audience member—I think it was Carol—chimed in with a plain language equivalent. When you’re stumped like this, you typically won’t be in a room of people who can help. However, it sounds as if FPA Connect, a private social media community for FPA members can fill that role for you.

During the announcement phase of the meeting, I’d heard Carol urge members to check out FPA Connect. Both she and Joe Clemens told stories of how FPA Connect had helped them find answers to questions that might have stumped them otherwise. I believe they posted their questions online, and then waited for responses to roll in. It sounds as if FPA Connect would be a great place to say, “How can I handle a complex technical term like ____?”

I’ve done something similar myself. I’ve posted technical terms in LinkedIn’s “Financial Writing/Marketing Communications” group, asking for help in identifying plain-language equivalents. It usually works.

Has this worked for you?

If this has worked for you, please share your experience in the “Comments” section. I enjoy learning from you.

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