Email productivity booster for investment and wealth management
Whether you’re an investment or wealth manager—or a professional or vendor who supports them—you can probably benefit from an email productivity booster. Take advantage of Microsoft Outlook’s “signature” feature to summon up basic email templates at the click of a button. I imagine that other email programs may offer a similar feature. Writing emails from […]
3 fixes for lousy quotes in your financial writing
Quotes are a great way to add oomph to your writing. This is true whether it’s a short piece, such as a blog post, or a long white paper for your investment or wealth management firm. But what if you’re quoting lousy writers or interviewees who haven’t expressed themselves well? Quote fix 1. Rewrite the […]
7 ways Compliance can work with investment writers for their mutual success
Compliance officers for investment management firms want their employers to market themselves successfully. After all, the lack of sales could kill the company. However, they also want their firms to stay safe from legal and regulatory threats. Marketing and compliance professionals sometimes clash. But they don’t have to. The two areas can work together so […]
6 ways financial advisors can differentiate themselves
It’s difficult for financial advisors to differentiate themselves. Whether you’re a financial planner, wealth manager, or investment advisor, what you offer has a lot in common with your peers’ offerings. Saying that your service and offerings are exceptional won’t convince prospects of that fact. Advantages that might have set you apart 10 years ago, no […]
Top posts from the second quarter of 2016
Check out my top posts from the last quarter! They’re a mix of practical tips on investment commentary (#1, 2, 4), white papers (#5), writing (#8), blogging (#6), marketing (#3, 7), social media (#9), and email (#10). Who are the fixed-income commentary winners–and why?—I’d like to send a big “thank you” to all of the […]