Infographic: 5 Ways to Add Personality to Your Financial Writing
Want your financial writing to stand out? Use the tips in my infographic, “5 Ways to Add Personality to Your Financial Writing.” For more details on adding personality and warmth to your writing, read parts one and two of my two-part blog post. For real-life practice in adding personality to your financial writing, sign up […]
15 minutes to busting your writer’s block
Do you ever struggle to start your writing projects? I do. Although I’m a demon about completing my projects on time, sometimes writer’s block slows me. When that happens, a tool that I bought at a dollar store in Montreal often comes to my rescue. It’s a kitchen timer. Set a timer to bust your […]
Email inbox efficiency–can you go too far?
Email productivity is a goal of most people whom I know. We all receive and send too many emails. But how far are you willing to go to trim the amount of time you spend on email? It’s the rare person who’ll go as far as Cal Newport recommends in Deep Work: Rules for Focused […]
How to write calendar dates in your financial communications
August 30 or August 30th—which is the best way to write the calendar date? Major style guides prefer August 30. I like it, too, because there’s less visual clutter. August 30th becomes even uglier when Microsoft Word uses superscript to raise the “th.” The Chicago Manual of Style says, “Although the day of the month […]
Financial writing lesson from my sneakers
Don’t try to cram your right foot into your left sneaker. It doesn’t work. However, on the plus side, my absentminded action made me flash on a lesson for financial writers. The financial writing lesson? Don’t try to force things where they don’t belong. Sure, I could have painfully squeezed my right foot into my […]