Infographic: Manage writing by committee
Are you frustrated by the challenges of managing writing by committee? If you need to get ideas and approval from multiple sources for your investment and wealth management communications, you can benefit from the six tips in my infographic. Make your life easier by trying something new!
Market commentary for index investors
Market commentary is an important client communication and marketing tool for investment and wealth managers. Making predictions can be particularly powerful, as I said in “Are financial predictions too risky?” But what if you’re in the camp of index investors—or similar strategies, such as evidence-based investing—or if you simply don’t believe in market timing? You […]
How to be a great guest blogger
Providing guest posts for other people’s blogs is a great way to raise your visibility. I’ve discussed how to snare these opportunities in “How to guest-blog on personal finance and investments, Part I: Your approach” and “Part II: Blogs that accept guest posts from financial advisors.” However, your responsibilities don’t end once you’ve sold the […]
Index-card approach to writing
The index-card approach to writing had me sprawled out on the floor while writing my Ph.D. thesis. I was arranging the index cards with my notes so I could turn them into sentences, paragraphs, and chapters that made sense. You’re probably not writing a dissertation. You’re probably not even taking notes on index cards. But […]
8 ways to find guest bloggers for your financial blog
Sometimes it’s good to invite a guest to share the spotlight on your blog. Guest bloggers help you Meet new readers when your guests’ followers visit your blog Deepen your relationships with your guests who’ll feel grateful for the exposure, especially if you promote their guest posts on social media and elsewhere (I include my […]