Get more mileage out of your financial webinar or podcast
Webinars, videos, and podcasts about investments and other financial topics are a great way to highlight the expertise of your firm’s subject-matter experts. But are you getting the most out of your financial webinar or podcast? Probably not. Some members of your clients, prospects, and referral sources will never watch a financial webinar, video, or […]
Top posts from 2016’s third quarter
Check out my top posts from the last quarter! They’re a mix of practical tips on email (#1), writing (#2, 5, 7, 9, 10), compliance (#3), marketing (#4, 6), and blogging (#8). If you only read one of these posts, I suggest you pick #1. It could save you time as it boosts your email […]
6 design tips for your first infographics
Infographics are a powerful way to attract people who are more visually oriented. They also are a great way to re-purpose ideas that you’ve published earlier in a text-heavy format. I learned some lessons in the process of working with my virtual assistant on the design of my first infographics. She also contributed to this […]
Controversial topic spurs LinkedIn discussion
One of my LinkedIn Pulse posts on a controversial topic received 34 comments in less than two days. It also received 33 likes and more than 200 views in that period. That floored me. The comment-spurring post was “Periods: One space or two at the end of a sentence?” It’s a topic that spurs strong […]
What if my financial article has too many examples?
Examples are great additions to your financial article or white paper. They make your points come alive, convincing your readers of your main points. However, your financial white paper can have too many examples. For example, imagine an article that has 20 bullet-pointed examples of how a retirement account might help investors. I doubt readers […]