bond market commentary rewrite

Bond market commentary rewrite

The best bond market commentary is written so its writing style doesn’t interfere with readers’ understanding of the content. Here’s a screen shot of some bond market commentary that I received via email in November. It could use some help. (By the way, I’m not out to embarrass anybody. Before I started critiquing this piece, […]

Blog post headings vs. no headings for your financial blog

Should you use blog post headings when you write? One of my readers asked me this recently as he worked on his financial firm’s blog. Reasons to use blog post headings If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ve probably guessed that I like headings. For starters, headings make blog posts easier to scan […]

Don’t wait for perfection

The show must go on. That applies to your blog, too. In Bossypants, comedian Tina Fey quotes Saturday Night Live producer Lorne Michels as saying, “The show doesn’t go on because it’s ready; it goes on because it’s 11:30.” As Fey says about writing comedy, “…it’s a great lesson about not being too precious about […]

Canned newsletters can hurt your marketing

It takes time to write, format, and distribute newsletters. That’s why many of you turn to providers of canned newsletter content. It saves time when you must do nothing more than drop in your name, contact information, logo, and maybe your photo and some disclosures. Canned newsletters like this can save you time. But they […]

Grammar question: shall vs. will

Shall vs. will–which is best?

“When should I use ‘shall’ instead of ‘will’? ” I confess that this reader question stumped me. I can’t remember ever using the word “shall.” The question spurred me to do some research on the topic of shall vs. will. First person vs. second or third person A Grammar Girl post on “‘Shall’ Versus ‘Will‘” […]