Bloggers, honor your influencers
Totally original content doesn’t exist. Everyone is influenced by others. Your work is not diminished by giving credit to them. As Jeff Goins says in Real Artists Don’t Starve: …cite your sources, giving credit where credit is due. This won’t discredit you. It will likely endear you to your influences and your audience. What might citing […]
Marketing wealth management to women with Charlotte Beyer
You know that women present an attractive audience for your wealth management or other financial services. “Women with Wallets,” a chapter of Charlotte Beyer’s Wealth Management Unwrapped: Unwrap What You Need to Know & Enjoy the Present, made me think about how you should market to women. Her book targets your potential clients instead of […]
Avoid long introductory clauses, or lose readers
You want to give your readers all the information they need to understand your message. This sometimes prompts you to write long introductory clauses. Please stop. Or, at least rein in your impulse. Those long introductory clauses often make it hard for readers to grasp your main point. I like how Harold Evans, author of Do […]
What if your article has 5 points, but 1 is a digression?
Imagine that you have five important points to make in an article, quarterly commentary, or white paper. Four of the points hang together. The fifth point is a digression. It doesn’t have much to do with the other four points. How can you best manage your oddball point? Solution 1. Delete your digression In the […]
Top posts from 2017’s fourth quarter
Check out my top posts from the last quarter! They’re a mix of practical tips on grammar (#1), writing (#2, #9, #10), investment commentary (#3), client communication (#4 & #5), newsletters (#6), and blogging (#7, #8). Post #1 sparked a lot of reader feedback when it headlined one of my monthly newsletters. My readers tend to […]