make your bullet-pointed lists more powerful

Make your bullet-pointed lists more powerful

“Articles” that rely heavily on bullet-pointed lists can overwhelm readers. Their attention flags after three or four bullets. I call this “bullet fatigue.” However, you can boost the power of your lists with this tip. Two easy steps to better lists Knowing about bullet fatigue, you can break up an article that consists mainly of […]

Mistake Monday

MISTAKE MONDAY for December 31: Can YOU spot what’s wrong?

Can you spot what’s wrong in the image below? Please post your answer as a comment. When I was writing this post, I missed the mistake on my first reading. I saw what I expected to see. It’s human nature. Happy New Year, and thank you for your support of Mistake Monday!       […]

Mistake Monday

MISTAKE MONDAY for December 24: Can YOU spot what’s wrong?

Can you spot what’s wrong in the image below? Please post your answer as a comment. Oops! Somebody jumped the gun on a website going live.     I post these challenges to raise awareness of the importance of proofreading.

Bloggers, start with the part that interests you the most

Bloggers, start with what interests you the most

In the first of her The Writing Coach podcasts, Rebecca Weber mentioned that she often starts an article by writing the part that interests her the most. Then, she says, it’s easy for her to fill in the other parts, especially if she already has an outline. That’s a great way to overcome writer’s block, […]

Mistake Monday

MISTAKE MONDAY for December 17: Can YOU spot what’s wrong?

Can you spot what’s wrong in the image below? Please post your answer as a comment. I don’t know why people make this mistake. What are they thinking?     I post these challenges to raise awareness of the importance of proofreading.