Pick your e-newsletter sender name carefully

Pick your e-newsletter sender name carefully

Recently, I sent the newsletter of a person whom I like to my email’s spam folder. My gut reaction proves that you should clearly identify the sender of your email newsletter. Unrecognizable sender name spells trouble When I looked at the newsletter, I thought, “I don’t know this person. Why is he sending this to […]

Mistake Monday

MISTAKE MONDAY for May 6: Can YOU spot what’s wrong?

Can you spot what’s wrong in the image below? Please post your answer as a comment. The mistake that caught my eye is subtle.   I post these challenges to raise awareness of the importance of proofreading.

Professional writers vs amateur writers

Professional writers vs. amateur writers

What distinguishes professional writers from amateur writers? Why should you care? There are many characteristics that differentiate professional writers. In The Midnight Disease: The Drive to Write, Writer’s Block, and the Creative Brain, Alice Flaherty identifies an important one. She says that pros …more successfully engage their audience. It is partly a question of skill, […]

Mistake Monday

MISTAKE MONDAY for April 29: Can YOU spot what’s wrong?

Can you spot what’s wrong in the image below? Please post your answer as a comment. Sigh. I see this mistake too often. I post these challenges to raise awareness of the importance of proofreading.

change for the better

Change your writing for the better

“Nothing changes if nothing changes,” said my spinning instructor in a class. This spurred some thoughts that may help your writing. In my instructor’s case, she decided to quit drinking coffee as one small step toward healthier eating. That was less intimidating than revamping all of her eating habits at once. Once she quit drinking […]