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Top posts from 2019’s fourth quarter

Check out my top posts from the fourth quarter! They’re a mix of practical tips on writing (#1, #3, #4), blogging (#2), and grammar (#5). I got a thrill out of Bryan Garner, the inspiration for the #1 post, retweeting it. He’s an expert on writing and proper usage of the English language. My #2 […]


How to achieve continuity in your writing

Continuity in your writing is important. By continuity, I mean the easily followed flow of each sentence, paragraph, and section to what follows it. I don’t remember reading about this topic before I encountered a section on “The importance of continuity” in John R. Trimble’s Writing with Style. Here are four techniques that support continuity. […]

Mistake Monday

MISTAKE MONDAY for December 30: Can YOU spot what’s wrong?

Can you spot what’s wrong in the image below? Please post your answer as a comment. If you sometimes make mistakes, as I do, I hope you feel a bit better once you realize that a big organization that employs proofreaders also makes mistakes. I post these challenges to raise awareness of the importance of […]

picture one person

Picture one person your work will help

Do you sometimes get stuck in the middle of writing something? Writer’s block and challenges with time management are common problems. I found a tip that may help in When: the scientific secrets of perfect timing by Daniel Pink. The book discusses how to act at the right times, and how to overcome challenges at […]


4 tips for trimming extra words

Bryan Garner offers four tips for trimming extra words in his chapter “Waste no Words” in his HBR Guide to Better Business Writing. They include, when possible: Deleting prepositions Replacing nouns ending with -ion with verbs Replacing forms of the verb “to be” with stronger verbs, as I discuss in The “Be” test for writers […]