financial crisis communications

Financial communications during the coronavirus crisis

I wish I had a magic bullet for your financial crisis communications during a time of coronavirus and big market declines. I don’t. But I want to help you, which is why I jumped at the opportunity to watch a March 18 webinar delivered by consultant Nick Richtsmeier, whose presentation at the 2019 NAPFA Fall […]

Back at beginning

Writers, go back to the beginning

Sometimes you need to go back to the beginning to find the end. That’s my takeaway from the following quote, from David L. Carroll’s A Manual of Writer’s Tricks. When you’re stuck for an ending, go back to your beginning. When stymied for a way to end your piece, go back to the first line, […]

person riding in a luxurious cab

Two types of prose from poet Robert Graves

In The Reader Over Your Shoulder: A Handbook for Writers of English Prose, English poet Robert Graves and his co-author, Alan Hodge, say: “There should be two main objects in ordinary prose writing: to convey a message, and to include in it nothing that will distract the reader’s attention or check his habitual pace of […]

weight and organize evidence

How to weight and organize evidence

In a typical financial white paper, you must organize evidence to support your argument. John R. Trimble’s Writing with Style suggests how you can do that. Step 1. List the evidence In Trimble’s example, a writer starts by listing all of the evidence. Next, the writer weighs the arguments. This is important because “the shotgun […]

Mistake Monday

MISTAKE MONDAY for February 24: Can YOU spot what’s wrong?

Can you spot what’s wrong in the image below? Please post your answer as a comment. Spellchecking wouldn’t catch this error. I post these challenges to raise awareness of the importance of proofreading.