How to get a portfolio manager’s attention, and other email tips from an investment marketing consultant
It’s not easy getting portfolio managers to open your emails. That’s why investment marketing consultant Jen Dunning sometimes writes her email subject lines completely in capital letters. “INVESTMENT COMMENTARY – PLEASE APPROVE BY JUNE 30” grabs the reader’s attention where a meeker “Please approve by June 30” would not. Note that she puts her key […]
Producing investment pitch books without losing your mind, and other advice from Margaret Patterson
Designer Margaret Patterson’s posts about investment management pitch books were among the most popular on my previous blog. Her tips can make producing these important marketing materials less stressful. Here are links to her posts. Creating Pitch Books Without Losing Your Mind: Design & Content Management Tips Producing Pitch Books Without Losing Your Mind, Part […]
Writing Sample: "Don’t Get Stuck Paying Extra Taxes"
The subject line “Don’t Get Stuck Paying Extra Taxes” compelled me to open the e-mail. That’s the power of a subject line that tells the reader “what’s in it for me.” I opened the latest e-newsletter from Westchester Mortgage even though I was pretty sure I’m not making any dumb tax mistakes with my house. […]
"Is Spelling Overrated?"
Direct marketing guru Bob Bly recently asked “Is Spelling Overrated?” on his blog. I don’t think so. Good spelling won’t win over new clients. But sentences rife with misspellings may make the reader wonder if you’re similarly sloppy with their money. It’s one thing to have typos in the quick emails you send to your […]
Tips for writing case studies
Case studies can be powerful tools for the wealth management professionals who’re allowed to use them. A case study typically starts with a presentation of a client problem–something that’s causing the client pain. The problem is followed by the solution, and then the client results. When prospective clients recognize themselves in the problem, you’ve grabbed […]