Should you hyphenate “fixed income”?
It depends. There are two schools of thoughts about whether to hyphenate compound adjectives, which is what “fixed income” becomes when you use it as an adjective. It’s the reader-friendly approach vs. common usage. Reader-friendly Let’s talk about “fixed income investing.” When you combine an adjective and noun and then use them to describe a […]
"Making Money Where Others Fail": Morningstar’s knack for good titles
Who wouldn’t want to read an article entitled “Making Money Where Others Fail“? That was the title of a recent message from Morningstar’s Fund Spy e-newsletter. I subscribe to Fund Spy partly to study their writing style. You can check out the Fund Spy archive.
"Pension Plans Say Thank You Subprime for Return to Overfunded "
The subprime crisis has an unexpected silver lining. The resulting demand for high quality corporate bonds has improved the funding status of corporate pension plans. “The combined pensions of S&P 500 companies swung to a $63 billion surplus in 2007 after five years in the red, according to a May 19 report by Standard & […]
OECD Economic Outlook as a resource for your investment commentary
If you haven’t finished writing your second quarter investment commentary, check out the website of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development for some useful statistics. The OECD publishes its economic outlook twice a year. Its June 2008 outlook predicts weak growth and high inflation. Real GDP growth for the total OECD (see page 2) […]
"101 Five-Minute Fixes to Incrementally Improve Your Web Site"
“Stress benefits. Ensure that your copy always shows users exactly how your site will benefit them.” That’s fix number 4 of “101 Five-Minute Fixes to Incrementally Improve Your Web Site” and it’s a good one. If the people who visit your website don’t find benefits, rather than just features, they’re likely to flee. But fixing […]