Another reason for financial advisors to start a blog
“I’ve been able to prove how much more I can accomplish by answering a question, and posting it on a blog, for example, than I can by answering the same question over and over.” This quote by Luis Suarez in his New York Times article, “I Freed Myself from E-mail’s Grip,” got me thinking. Financial […]
A great way for financial advisors to leverage existing content
A blog can be a great way for financial advisors to leverage their inventory of compliance-approved articles. That’s according to my interview with Stuart Zimmerman, principal, and Jim Cornfeld, investment advisor, The Buckingham Family of Financial Services. However, it’s too early to tell if the blog will yield financial benefits. Cornfeld started The Educated Investor […]
Quants CAN communicate clearly
Sometimes my eyes glaze over when I attend quantitative presentations. That was not the case with a presentation by Jeff Brown, chief investment officer of Highstreet Asset Management. When you hear Brown’s “Art vs. Science,” you’ll be struck by how using examples from everyday life can make your investment approach come alive. “Inspiring presenters are […]
"Tool: Google Trends"
Google Trends will help you figure out which of your key words are searched most frequently. Learn more in “Tool: Google Trends” on Erik Sherman’s Writer Biz blog.
Advice from the SEC’s expert on plain English
The SEC has tapped William Lutz to lead its “21st Century Disclosure Initiative.” In honor of his appointment, here’s his “Rules for Writing Plain English: How You Can Write Plain Language by Just Following These 39 Steps” (2018 update: sorry, but his article is no longer available on the website of the Plain Language Association […]