"Tired of having too much money at the end of the month?"

Sometimes you have to say something unexpected to grab your reader’s attention. Something like, “Tired of having too much money at the end of the month?” That’s a headline that snared me recently. Aren’t you usually concerned about the opposite problem, of having too little money at the end of the month? In Made to […]

What should you call your white paper?

“Should you always label a white paper with the term ‘white paper’?” Michael Stelzner asks this question on his Writing White Papers blog. My answer: it depends. When you say “white paper” to financial advisors, they probably know what you’re talking about. In fact, the term conjures up the image of a helpful tool. Say […]

"The Top Seven B2B Communications Mistakes"

“The Top Seven B2B Communications Mistakes” offers some useful advice for investment and wealth management marketers, whether you’re targeting businesses or individuals. For example: Your content should reflect your prospects’ top concerns. “Don’t sell. Inform.” When I review investment and wealth management firms’ content, I often find it focused on them, not on their clients. […]

"Never use a fancy word when a simple one will do"

That’s the bottom line of “Why Jargon Feeds on Lazy Minds” by Scott Berkun. Moreover, he warns, “Pay attention to who uses the most jargon: it’s never the brightest. It’s those who want to be perceived as the best and the brightest, something they know they are not.” Berkun offers a list of management jargon […]

"Thought Leadership: Are You Making It or Faking It?"

Plenty of investment and wealth management firms try to distinguish themselves as so-called “thought leaders.” Many will fail. “Thought Leadership: Are You Making It or Faking It?” by Fiona Czerniawska says that clients seek: 1. Something relevant to challenges they face 2. Something new and different 3. Something that is supported by hard evidence – […]