Hedge funds are better off than you think

There’s no mass exodus out of hedge funds, according to this clip from CNBC.com. Indeed, hedge funds with global macro, managed futures, and equity market neutral strategies are delivering good returns, according to Ferenc Sanderson of Lipper. _________________ Susan B. Weiner, CFA Check out my website at www.InvestmentWriting.com or sign up for my free monthly […]

"How to Live in a World of Black Swans: Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s Take on the Financial Crisis"

What do a turkey being fattened up for Thanksgiving and Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke have in common? According to Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of the best-selling The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, both mistakenly act as if the past predicts the future.  The turkey, getting fed for 1,000 days, expected […]

Links for investment industry job hunters

Next week I’ll publish some insights from recruiters on the hiring environment for folks in the investment management industry. Meanwhile, here are some links for job hunters from Charlie O’Neill of MutualFundCareers.com: Job search tool on the Mutual FundsCareers.com website Opportunity to participate in a survey on the Money Management Job Market  Financial jobs and […]

"The Surprising Winners in the Financial Crisis"

Young people are “The Surprising Winners in the Financial Crisis.” They’ll be better able to afford housing than their parents, says blogger Andrew O’Connell. Moreover, “With more affordable housing, young people might actually be able to win back some of the earning power that the American middle class has been steadily losing to globalization and […]

If you’re looking for an agent for your financial book…

You can find agents who handle books like yours by going to AgentQuery and checking the “finance” box.  That’s the easy part. It’ll take a lot longer to convince an agent that you’ve got a marketable book. Good luck! _________________Susan B. Weiner, CFA Check out my website at www.InvestmentWriting.com or sign up for my free […]