Can financial advisors write blogs and be in compliance?
An Investment Writing blog reader recently asked, “I was told that licensed financial advisors are not allowed to write blogs as far as compliance is concerned. Is this true?” It’s not true. But there are constraints. For more details on the regulatory constraints, read “Finra, SEC rules constrain advisers in blogosphere” by Davis Janowski in […]
Your clients’ stock options are down 76% overall
“For those executives whose company holdings were largely in stock options, rather than stock, the decline in wealth has been huge…. Over all, the options have lost 76 percent of their value.” That’s according to New York Times columnist Floyd Norris, who wrote in “Be Glad You’re Not Warren Buffett” about a report by Stephen […]
Print newsletter vs. e-newsletter
Trying to decide between a print newsletter and a newsletter delivered by e-mail? Here are some of the pros and cons. Print newsletter–Pro Portable More control over look and feel Better for longer documents Stands out more because most people get fewer letters than e-mails E-newsletter–Pro Interactive, including links to your website You can track […]
"LinkedIn’s Little Secret: It’s a Great Lead-Gen Tool"
You can use LinkedIn to help build your investment or wealth management business. Adapt the techniques suggested in “LinkedIn’s Little Secret: It’s a Great Lead-Gen Tool” on HubSpot’s Inbound Internet Marketing Blog. But, first, pay attention to this warning from HubSpot: “Trying to directly message or reach out to your LinkedIn network or contacts could […]
Encourage good communication or lose your multi-generational clients
You are failing your financial family clients–and sabotaging your multi-generational client retention–if you’re not encouraging good communication. That’s one of the big picture lessons I learned from “Five Solutions for Mixing Finance, Families and Fiduciaries,” presented to the Boston Estate Planning Council on Nov. 6 by Bonnie Brown Hartley, president of Transition Dynamics Inc., Richard […]