Financial planning firm benefits from Twitter
Are you struggling to figure out how Twitter micro-blogging can help you as a financial advisor? In “Yes, Twitter Can Help Financial Planners,” Bill Winterberg blogs about how using Twitter helped his firm do a better job of ensuring their tax loss harvesting is executed without errors. Twitter brought him a solution to a pesky […]
Lesson from a headline, "A 30-Year Treasury Bond: Probably One of the Most Dangerous Investments You Could Make"
“A 30-Year Treasury Bond: Probably One of the Most Dangerous Investments You Could Make” is a great headline. It’s also a great topic. Why? Because it challenges the average person’s idea of what’s a safe investment. Turning a common idea on its head will attract readers. In this case, it will also do them a […]
"Narrow slice" article topics are better
An article that covers a topic exhaustively can exhaust the reader. Writing about a narrow slice of that topic can be much more engaging. This quote by New York Times health columnist Tara Parker-Pope, in Maura Casey’s “Tips, Tricks & Rewards of Writing Short,” makes a similar point: “Kitchen sink stories do too much…. If […]
Pick young, small hedge funds for better returns?
If you face a choice between two hedge funds with equally attractive performance records, you should pick the younger, smaller fund. At least, that’s what I took away from “Hedge Fund Performance Persistence: A New Approach,” an article by Nicole M. Boyson, an assistant professor of finance at Northeastern University, in the Nov./Dec. 2008 issue […]
Access 342 hiring investment research analysts, says Integrity Research
Access 342, a new kind of investment research firm, is hiring research analysts, according to Integrity Research’s “Who is Hiring in the Current Environment?“ That’s the good news. The bad news: not many analysts will fit the Access 342 mold. The bar to entry is high. You must be “identified as highly valuable by the […]