Goodbye, Lehman Agg!

The term “Lehman Agg” used to roll off my tongue. I felt like an insider knowing that was short for “Lehman Brothers U.S. Aggregate Index” of bonds. It feels strange to be typing “Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index (formerly the Lehman Brothers U.S. Aggregate Index)” as I create my fourth quarter performance reports. Does this […]

New "Wall Street Week" seeking participants

Contact Jeff Salkin (jeff AT if you’re interested in appearing on a new version of  the “Wall Street Week” show. Here’s what Jeff says: We are launching a web-based revival of the venerable “Wall Street Week” franchise. We think there’s a need for a higher-level (and lower-decibel) program than CNBC etc. Looking for potential […]

"The Seven Dirty Words You Can’t Say in Email Subject Lines (Plus 100 Others You Shouldn’t Use, Either)"

You don’t want your emails to get tagged as spam. So stay away from the words listed in “The Seven Dirty Words You Can’t Say in Email Subject Lines (Plus 100 Others You Shouldn’t Use, Either).” This list is old, so keep your eyes open for updates. If you ever look at your spam folder, […]

Creating Pitch Books Without Losing Your Mind… a Sequel

“Creating Pitch Books Without Losing Your Mind… a Sequel: Your Pitch Book – a Foundation for Customizing” is a guest post by designer Margaret Patterson. Her 2007 series about “Creating Pitch Books Without Losing Your Mind” has attracted lots of attention. Thanks for your latest contribution, Margaret! If you have questions for Margaret, please leave […]

When NOT to personalize your email’s subject line

Personalizing your email subject lines with the recipient’s name—for example, “Susan, can you attend meeting on Feb. 12?”–will always increase your readership.  Or so you’d think. But that’s not true according to an article about email subject lines by Mark Brownlow on Email Marketing Reports. If your email recipient doesn’t know you well, they may assume […]