Notable quotes from the Managing Retirement Income Conference
Speakers expressed some interesting opinions at the Managing Retirement Income Conference on Feb. 10. Their comments are paraphrased below. It’ll take at least two years at 5% equity returns for people to make back what their 401(k) plans lost in the 2008 stock market decline.–Jack L. VanDerhei, Employee Benefit Research Institute Retirement will turn out […]
Highlights from the Managing Retirement Income conference
The stock market’s decline has changed how individuals look at retirement income. They want more certainty. That was one of the themes I took away from the first day of the Managing Retirement Income Conference on Feb. 10. The conference was hosted in Boston by the Retirement Income Industry Association. Some other takeaways 1. Retirees–and […]
"Amid Market Gloom, Fund Manager Fights Against Jargon"
Are you using too much jargon in your market commentary? Read “Amid Market Gloom, Fund Manager Fights Against Jargon” for the tale of a British fund manager trying to eliminate jargon and wordiness. Here are most of the terms he’s fighting: Aggressively Backdrop Basis points Bets Drawdown Going forward Is primarily engaged in Headwinds, tailwinds […]
To "dear" or not to "dear" in your email
What salutation should you use to start a business email? Dear? Hello? Something else? I typically open with the person’s name followed by a comma. Like this Susan, This is how 95% of my business correspondents start their emails. Some people use “Dear,” then the recipient’s name. That’s essential for a business letter, but it’s […]
"Financial services marketers must restore trust"
In the current environment, small business “decision makers are much more likely to choose the safe choice over the best choice,” according to Gal Borenstein of The Borenstein Group, interviewed in “Financial services marketers must restore trust” in DM News. That may mean picking a bigger, seemingly more stable financial services provider over a smaller […]