How can I come up with ideas for a weekly newspaper column on personal finance?
That’s the question a newly independent advisor asked me. Before I offer some ideas, I’m going to challenge the idea that a newspaper column must be weekly. As newspapers decline, this advisor would be lucky to get into print once a month. But let’s assume the paper DOES need a weekly column. How about offering […]
"Quantitative easing" is a weasel word
Governments should speak more plainly, says David Champion in “Bankers Turn to Weasel Words as a Desperate Measure.” As an example of what not to do, he cites the Bank of England’s references to “quantitative easing.” Quantitative easing is fancy talk for increasing the money supply. Campion says, “I cannot help but feel that a […]
Madoff whistleblower Harry Markopolos speaks
You can see Harry Markopolos speak in the video excerpts that make up part of “One-On-One With Harry Markopolos: Validated, But Not Satisfied” on WBUR’s website. According to an editor’s note, “More interview excerpts will be posted March 30 in conjunction with a special profile of Markopolos slated to air on Morning Edition.” Also, you […]
What Bernanke does well as a speech writer
Ben Bernanke’s speech construction is perfect, says blogger Richard Miles. What’s so good about it? Bernanke abides by the maxim, “Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, then tell them again.” According to Miles’ analysis of Bernanke’s March 10 speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Bernanke spent 20% of his words […]
Fixed income attribution falls short
Attribution analysis can help investment managers keep their clients, even in down-markets, said David Spaulding, president of The Spaulding Group, Inc. in his presentation on “Fixed Income Attribution: An Introduction” to the Boston Security Analysts Society (BSAS) on March 5. But good attribution analysis has been hard for fixed income managers to find. While equity […]