working with a sensitivity reader

Working with a sensitivity reader

Have you ever considered working with a sensitivity reader on your writing for your business? Do you even know what a sensitivity reader is? In my article on “How to edit articles about Black people,” I mentioned that writers who are concerned about diversity and inclusion can hire a reader with specialized skills or background […]

Writing tip: Kill the ST words!

Looking for an easy tweak to simplify your firm’s writing? If your audience is American, stop using three prepositions: “amidst,” “amongst,” and “whilst.”

Long sentences can make you more concise

Long sentences can make you more concise

“You have too many short sentences. Write some long sentences.” That advice from my writing teacher stunned me. I’d been working so hard to cut flab from my writing. However, I respected my teacher, and quickly realized that she was right. As she explained, my short sentences created a monotonous rhythm. Long sentences may repeat […]

Mistake Monday

MISTAKE MONDAY for March 29: Can YOU spot what’s wrong?

Can you spot what’s wrong in the image below? One error jumped out at me, but there’s more than one error in this piece. Listening to someone read this post out loud wouldn’t help you find the errors that I spotted. Please post your answer as a comment.           I post […]

Stop submitting articles as PDFs!

Stop submitting articles as PDFs!

Please don’t submit your unsolicited articles to editors as PDFs. In my role as the editor of a monthly magazine, I find PDFs frustrating. They tempt me to trash an article immediately. (Of course, ignore my advice if a publication asks you to submit articles as PDFs.) Why do authors send PDFs? None of my […]