Which social networking sites do you use to promote your business?
Investment and wealth managers, which social networking sites do you use to promote your business or your career? Please answer the poll that will run in the right-hand column of my blog until a date in May 2009. If you’re not familiar with the sites I’ve named, here are links to their home pages: Facebook.com […]
"When Ad Budgets Are Down, Get the Word Out with PR," a guest post
Now is a great time to consider replacing advertising with PR, suggests Precision Marketing Group in a guest post, “When Ad Budgets Are Down, Get the Word Out with PR.” In a perfect world, your business would have enough money to advertise in relevant outlets and to sustain an ongoing public relations effort. But if […]
My top five tips for financial advisors dipping their toes in the Twitterverse
Every day more of your clients, prospects, family, and friends get on Twitter. If you’re ready to dip your toe in the Twitterverse, here are the top five tips from my personal experience. 1. Use Twitter Search to check out Twitter before you begin tweeting. Go to http://search.twitter.com and type in your company name or […]
A top marketing blog for financial advisors
The market has slashed your clients’ wealth and your revenues based on assets under management. So gaining new clients is more important than ever. If you’d like to get some fresh ideas about marketing, check out Kristen Luke’s Financial Marketing Wire blog. Are you puzzled by how to leverage social media? Kristen has posts on […]
"Quiz: Are You a Grammar Geek?"
If you’re reading this, you probably care about grammar. So test your grammar knowledge with the quiz in “Are You a Grammar Geek?“ It’s tough.