My top tips for LinkedIn newbies who want to attract financial clients, referrals, and jobs
LinkedIn is gaining power as a source of clients, referrals, and jobs, just as websites have become essential for companies. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, it’s almost if you don’t exist. In its most basic form, LinkedIn can be a gentle, low-key way of reminding people that you exist. You can also use […]
Statistics to calm nervous investors: Research on dollar cost averaging
Are you–or your clients–nervous about buying stocks? You may find comfort in statistics from “(Re)Entering the Market: The Costs and Benefits of Dollar Cost Averaging” by Gregory D. Singer, director of research, and Ted Mann, analyst in Bernstein Global Wealth Management’s New York office. Their article appeared in the CFA Institute’s Private Wealth Management e-newsletter […]
What a difference eight months makes!
Loomis Sayles bond manager Dan Fuss spoke about “The 50-Year Opportunity in Bonds” just after Thanksgiving 2008. He liked corporate bonds. This morning I read “U.S. corporate debt outpaced Treasuries for a fourth consecutive month and have now outperformed by 14% year to date” in the Morningstar Bond Market Commentary (August 2009). Things sure have […]
How to punctuate bullet-pointed lists
Have you ever used a bullet-pointed list in a memo, report or PowerPoint presentation? Are you punctuating your lists correctly? Or maybe you’re not as compulsive as I am about these picky points. Anyway, here’s what one reference book, The Grammar Bible, says: If a sentence follows the bullet, place a period at the end. […]
Should you drop subscribers who don’t open your e-newsletter?
If you’re like most e-newsletter senders, you track the statistics on how many subscribers open each issue. Personally, I check them multiple times because I get a rush out of every click on my monthly Investment Writing Update. But there are people who never seem to read my newsletter. This made me ask, should […]