Leverage third-party endorsements
“Leverage third-party endorsements for maximum exposure.” This line from “Survive and Thrive in Today’s Volatile Market” by Peter Hammond, EVP, UMB Fund Services, got me thinking about financial advisors who get quoted by reporters, but fail to let their clients, prospects, and referral sources about it. After all, getting quoted is a kind of third-party […]
Poll: What newsletter strategies work best for investment and wealth managers?
Newsletters are an important part of marketing for many investment and wealth management firms. You’ve got lots of options. Print newsletter vs. e-newsletter Quarterly, monthly or weekly frequency Market commentary and/or other topics Articles that you write yourself vs. articles written by a writer whom you hire, so they reflect your firm’s views vs. articles […]
Bostonians, where will you be on October 1?
Several events in Boston are competing for financial professionals’ attention around October 1. The first aims at investment managers, while the last two target mutual funds. Oct. 1-2, The CFA Institute’s Fixed Income 2009 conference, including presentations by James Grant and Dan Fuss Oct. 1, NICSA’s East Coast Regional meeting, featuring keynote addresses by Robert […]
FINRA’s limits on registered rep use of ghostwriters
Registered representatives, if you distribute an article with your name, FINRA wants you to contribute most of the content. That seems to be the minimum requirement, according to comments I’ve received from other financial marketing writers in LinkedIn’s Financial Writing/Marketing Communications Group. Your compliance department may have stricter requirements, so check before you publish. “Misleading […]
“10 Easy Secrets of Good Grammar”
“10 Easy Secrets of Good Grammar” by Martha Brockenbrough gives useful advice. Many will be surprised by number 2: ” ‘I’ isn’t always the more educated choice.” But she’s got it right. I don’t agree that “semicolons are easy to use,” even though I’m getting better at them. But don’t rely on my comments. Read […]