Five-Week Writing Teleclass for Financial Advisors: "How to Write Blog Posts People Will Read"
Blogging has become a “must” for many independent and fee-only financial advisors. It’s a great way to connect with current and potential clients. Blogging also helps drive traffic to your website and cement your reputation as a leader in your field. But many advisors struggle to crank out a steady flow of compelling blog posts. […]
"Stiglitz: U.S. Economy Will Falter without More Stimulus" in Advisor Perspectives
The U.S. government has botched its handling of the economy, according to Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz. He explained how the U.S. created the global recession – and how we can get out of it – in a public presentation on his new book, Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy, […]
To GIPS or not to GIPS in your presentations
Must every presentation you give include the seemingly endless GIPS disclosures if your investment management firm claims GIPS compliance? For answers, I turned to Dave Spaulding, president of The Spaulding Group and author of the Investment Performance Guy blog. The short answer is “It depends.” When you hand someone a document containing performance data, you […]
Institutional plan sponsors make lousy decisions
Institutional plan sponsors don’t know what the heck they’re doing when they make asset allocation decisions. At least that’s the conclusion I’m tempted to draw after reading “Absence of Value: An Analysis of Investment Allocation Decisions by Institutional Plan Sponsors,”(subscription or membership may be required to access article) Financial Analysts Journal (Nov./Dec. 2009) by Scott […]
Tips for keeping your credit score high
Credit scores are important in the financial lives of your clients, so I’d like to share a few tips I picked up at “Understanding Credit and Credit Risk Scores,” a presentation by Todd Overstreet, director of field sales and service at Rels Credit, the credit reporting agency for Wells Fargo, at the Women’s Business Network […]