My Boston-area networking suggestions

Social media are great, but sometimes I want to meet my business colleagues, prospects, and referral sources in person.  In this post, I share some names of networking organizations in greater Boston. Perhaps you’ll find an organization that works for you. Even if you’re not in Boston, some of these organizations have a national presence. […]

The two most important words are…

Copyblogger Brian Clark’s lessons in “The two most important words in blogging” apply equally to any form of marketing communication. Pay attention because using these words will make your communications more persuasive. See if you can guess the two words before you surf to Copyblogger’s site. If you have attended any of my presentations on […]

How to write subheads that command attention

Copyblogger Brian Clark accurately notes in “How to write exquisite subheads” that subheads can turn scanners into readers. I especially like his advice that a subhead should “express a clear and complete benefit.” ____________________    Receive a free 32-page e-book with client communications tips when you sign up for my free monthly newsletter.   Copyright […]

Executive’s lesson for your communications with clients and prospects

Financial advisors who want to communicate effectively will follow the example set by Bill Carter in “The Scoreboard Can’t Tell You Everything.” Carter’s lesson boils down to this: Put yourself in the mind of the person with whom you’re communicating. Here’s what Carter, partner and co-found of Fuse, said in his interview with Adam Bryant […]

"Have mutual fund fees gone up or down?"

Investment expenses have been on my mind this month, as you know, if you’ve read “Morgan Creek Capital’s Yusko on investing,” “Morgan Creek Capital’s Yusko riles up Tweeters with comments on investment fees” or you follow me on Twitter.This prompted me to revisit my article, “Have mutual fund fees gone up or down? Are they […]