Mark Tibergien’s one thing for financial advisors’ business improvement

“What’s the one thing that most people in this room can do to improve their business?” This is the question I asked Mark Tibergien, CEO of Pershing Advisor Solutions, at the annual conference of the Financial Planning Association of Massachusetts on May 20. Tibergien hit four points in his reply describing how financial planners can […]

the pebble in the shoe

“The pebble in the shoe”: The power of metaphor

Metaphors are powerful tools for communication. I couldn’t get the phrase “the pebble in the shoe” out of my mind after an advisor mentioned it to me at an annual conference of the Financial Planning Association of Massachusetts back in 2011. Apparently, speaker Todd Fithian of the Legacy Companies suggested that advisors tackle whatever represents […]

Reader challenge: Improve this white paper introduction

When your investment white papers’ readers snooze, your company will lose. Here’s the first paragraph of a white paper that would benefit from a makeover. WHAT IS ACTIVE SHARE? Active share is a new measure of active portfolio management. This idea was first introduced by Martijn Cremers and Anti Petajusto, two Yale School of Management […]

White paper questions and resources

Thinking of commissioning a white paper? To ensure an effective white paper, make sure you answer the following questions: Who is my audience? What do I want them to do after they read my white paper? What problem can I solve for them? Why will my readers care about this problem? What are the three […]

Tweeps, share your Twitter name in your article bios

Twitter users, you may be missing out on valuable Twitter exposure. The solution? Include your Twitter name in every article you publish online. I would like to give you credit when I tweet your article that I find on Facebook or some other website. But when your Twitter name isn’t obvious–and isn’t provided by your […]