The 10-postcard approach to financial advisor marketing

If you receive 10 postcards from productivity expert Jason Womack, it means you’re on his “most wanted” list of prospective clients. This seems like a strategy that financial advisors could adopt. For 10 consecutive weeks after meeting a hot prospect, Womack sends a postcard to the prospect, as I learned in a video clip from […]

Why edit? A singer-songwriter’s reply

What can a songwriter teach you about financial communications? Plenty. Here’s what singer-songwriter Josh Ritter says: To edit yourself isn’t an admission of lack of talent; it’s sticking up for that talent by taking the time to make sure that everyone can understand what you’re trying to say. I agree. Good editing will make your […]

Guest post: “Easy SEO: How to Really Get Found on the Internet”

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important topic for bloggers. I turned to Steve Tannuzzo, the talented copywriter whom I’m glad to call my friend, for his insights into how you can use SEO effectively. Even if you don’t care about SEO, I think you’ll enjoy Steve’s writing, which lives up to his statement that […]

Opposing financial services’ social media paralysis at #NICSAGMM

“Lawyers never get in trouble for saying ‘no’ to marketing.” I learned this from one of my favorite corporate bosses. So I hastily scribbled a tweet when Rajib Chanda of Ropes & Gray made the following statement on the “Social Media in the Workplace” panel at NICSA’s General Membership Meeting on October 6. Chanda made […]

Your favorite books for writers

My post on “My five favorite reference books for writers” sparked many suggestions for additional useful resources for writers. Suggestions arrived via my blog, social media, and email. I am grateful for every suggestion. For example, Julie Fordyce said, “In your reference book section, I’d add the New York Times Style Guide, Fowler’s Modern English […]