POLL: How do you edit your writing for Compliance?
Financial writers and compliance departments are often at odds. But the two sides must learn to get along. Nobody wins if flat writing turns off prospective clients. Or if marketers create unrealistic expectations in the minds of current or prospective clients. “Weasel words” help writers and compliance officers coexist. Writers can often defuse compliance officers’ […]
Iowa caucuses’ lessons for financial advisors
Advisors, which counts more for your potential clients–your personal chemistry or your process for helping them reach their financial goals? Chemistry wins. At least that’s what an article about voters’ approach to the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary suggests to me. “Voters Examining Candidates, Often to a Fault” appeared in The New York Times […]
Writers, organize or else! A lesson from Barry Tarshis
Does your writing suffer from this problem? “…if your thoughts aren’t well organized, it doesn’t matter how large or varied your vocabulary is, how vivid an imagination you have, or how lyrically you compose a sentence; your writing, more often than not, will puzzle your readers.” –Barry Tarshis, How to Write Like a Pro, p. […]
Wells Fargo Advisors ad gets the focus right
Financial advisors often struggle to communicate the value they offer to clients. I think Wells Fargo Advisors nailed it with an ad I saw in The Wall Street Journal (p. A5 on Dec. 29). The image above is excerpted from that ad. Four things make this ad powerful, in my opinion. 1. Emphasis on the […]
Useful social media information from “The Social Customer”
Adam Metz’ book, The Social Customer, targets companies with 1,000+ employees, but some of its social media information is useful for companies of all sizes. This is true of the chapter on “The Social Customers and the Law.” Financial advisors tend to focus their legal concerns on laws specific to their industry. However, other laws […]