Guest post: “Only”
The topic of proper word usage matters to my readers. So I perked up when Kim Blanton told me over coffee that she had a great explanation of how to use “only” properly. I immediately asked her to guest-blog for me. By the way, if you haven’t read Kim’s Squared Away blog, it’s a terrific […]
BlackRock’s ad campaign appeals to thinkers
BlackRock is running an eye-catching ad campaign. You can’t miss it if you read publications such as The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times. Ad appeals to the analytical The ad campaign takes an analytical rather than an emotional approach to appealing to readers. It basically says, “you’ve got an investment problem, we’ve […]
Guest post: “Make It a Worthwhile Experience–Marketing Your Brand on Pinterest”
Pinterest puzzles me. How the heck can “pinning” pictures in albums work as a marketing technique? But then I read guest-blogger Caitlin Zucal’s post and thought about how it’s pictures, not words, that most easily go viral on Facebook. So perhaps financial marketers should think of Pinterest as “Facebook without words” or another way to […]
Nice analogy for asset allocation
A good story or analogy can boost the power of your communications. It will linger long after the rest of your conversation fades. I like the following example, which I found in “Tuning up implementation of modern portfolio theory” by Scott MacKillop: Now let’s talk about combining managers in portfolios. The legendary football coach Knute […]
How long should a blog post run?
There’s no set rule. I typically target 250-400 words. That’s long enough to express one idea and short enough to discourage you from going off on tangents. I don’t like tangents in blog posts. Posts should be narrowly focused to make them easy for readers to absorb. You’ll find opinions all over the place about […]