What do you think about “What do you think?”

“What do you think?” is a weak ending to an email, according to Power Sales Writing: Using Communication to Turn Prospects into Clients by Sue Hershkowitz-Coore. I said “uh oh” to myself upon reading this because I’ve used this in emails accompanying proposals. Hershkowitz-Coore suggests you encourage your reader “to give you the result you […]

March 13 email writing class for folks in greater Boston, especially the western suburbs

“How to Write Business Emails and Letters That People Will Read” is the focus of my March 13, 2012 class. Your e-mail has only three seconds to grab your reader’s attention. You can’t afford to alienate your readers with sloppy, vague or rambling emails and letters. In this interactive class you’ll learn tips you can […]

3 tips for maximizing your guest blog’s impact

What if you wrote a guest post and nobody realized you were the author? I’ve read guest contributions on blogs that hid their author’s identity so well, I thought the host was the author. If you follow my tips, this won’t happen to you. 1. Ask your host to insert your byline into the post. […]

What professional writers know

Financial bloggers, investment professionals, and wealth managers can benefit from learning a few things that professional writers know. Everyone can benefit from a good proofreader and editor It’s hard to read your writing with fresh eyes. This is why professional writers feel grateful when someone checks their work for them. If you’re on your own, […]

POLL: How do you pluralize “index”?

Indexes or indices? Which is the better way to pluralize “index”? This topic came up in an exchange with Theresa Hamacher, president of NICSA. She said: When Bob Pozen and I used “indexes” in the manuscript of our book, The Fund Industry: How Your Money is Managed — and our copy editor changed them all […]