is one of “7 Financial Advisory Blogs that Rock”
What a delight! The Investment Writing blog has been named one of “7 Financial Advisory Blogs that Rock” on the ClientWise blog. My blog was singled out for its “mission to bring clarity to the sometimes arcane and confusing world of financial writing, especially when done by financial advisors, investment advisors and wealth managers.” More […]
Have it your way: content
Your reading preferences may differ from those of my other readers. This is why I provide my content in different ways. You’ll find an overview below by delivery method. 1. E-newsletter offers three options including Weekly Tip My monthly e-newsletter provides links to my most recent blog posts. It also includes an exclusive report on […]
Identifying “WHAT PROBLEM does this blog post solve for them?”
“What problem do you solve for your clients?” Knowing what problem your blog post solves for your potential clients is one key to writing powerful blog posts. This is typically one of the hardest questions for students in my blogging class to answer when they fill out their Blog Post Preparation Worksheet. If you fall […]
Poll: Social media dilemma of “are” vs. “is”
Should “are” or “is” follow “social media”? In other words, is “social media” singular or plural? Please vote on the poll in the right-hand column of this blog. For a sense of the arguments, please read the Facebook postings copied below, which I’ve posted with the authors’ permission. By the way, this month’s poll was […]
Blogging lessons from Investment Writing Spotlight
“Investment Writing Spotlight,” my critiques of financial blog posts, disappeared when Facebook eliminated its Discussion tab. However, its lessons live on in this list of recommendations that I made on some of my volunteers’ blog posts. 1. Identify your topic, and possibly your audience in your title Your title can attract or repel your audience. […]