FAQ: “How to Write Blog Posts People Will Read: A 5-Lesson Writing Class for Financial Advisors”

Are you a financial professional, writer, or marketer with questions about whether “How to Write Blog Posts People Will Read: A 5-Lesson Writing Class for Financial Advisors” will work for you? You’ll find answers to common questions below. Do you have questions I haven’t answered below? Leave them as a comment or call me at 617-969-4509. Q. […]

Reader challenge: Rewrite this sentence to improve it

This sentence cries out for improvement. I’d like to know how YOU would fix it. If you think this sentence is fine as is, you’re also welcome to comment. We thought Best Buy was expensive; however, investors viewed online competitors as presenting a structural issue and Best Buy’s valuation declined dramatically during the year. This […]

Videos: 3 ways to make them palatable for video-haters like me

I HATE videos. As a lover of the written word, it annoys the heck out of me when people share information only in video or audio. However, there are steps you can take to make video and audio more palatable to cranky folks like me. You’ll find three suggestions below. Technique 1: Add minute markers Looking […]

Your personality can make any topic interesting

“If you have chosen a topic that is of general concern, and if genuine feeling and intelligence come through, you will be interesting.” -Thomas S. Kane The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing, p. 5 This is good news for advisors who write about dry topics or topics that many others have covered. You can still […]

Your opinion on advisor vs. adviser?

POLL: What’s your favorite survival strategy for networking meetings?

If you’re an introverted perfectionist like me, you never feel as if you make enough great contacts at networking meetings. These occasions felt like Olympic-sized failures until I became more creative and forgiving of myself. Here are some of the strategies that have helped me. 1. Seek out people who are by themselves. They may also […]