David Lufkin

Guest post: What’s your Content Strategy? (You have one, right?)

David Lufkin is a financial writer and Internet marketing manager whom I’ve gotten to know through some interesting exchanges in LinkedIn Groups. He has been generous with input when I’ve posted questions, which encouraged me to ask him to guest-blog for me. David explains below how answering five key questions can help you create a […]

Your opinion on advisor vs. adviser?

Poll: Which social media tools are helping you win new business?

Almost 20% of advisors have gained a new client from social media, despite the limited social media involvement of many advisors, according to a press release from SEI, “SEI Survey: Advisors Start to Realize the Business Benefits of Social Media.” LinkedIn and Twitter have both contributed directly to my winning new clients. My active participation […]

Don’t make this mistake in your email subject lines!

A quirky email subject line made me think my husband was spamming me. He graciously allowed me to use his example to remind you to choose your subject line’s first words carefully. Bad email subject line Here’s the email subject line as it appeared on my screen: Can you see why I was concerned that […]

Photo + Mind Map = Blog Inspiration

It’s not easy generating ideas for a steady flow of blog posts about financial planning, investments, or related topics. When your well runs dry, consider looking through your old photos for inspiration. This blog post was inspired by stumbling on a Barbie on a Rhode Island beach this summer. Step 1: Pick a photo Choose […]

Use social media to find a job

Job hunting stinks. But social media can help you expand your network and uncover opportunities you might never have found otherwise. I’ve spent hours urging my job hunting friends to engage in social media, so I was happy to discover a basic guide for them: How to Find a Job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and […]