Guest post: “Good Writing is Good for Business”
Gil Weinreich and I had a great conversation about the importance to advisors of good writing when he interviewed me for an article about email that appeared on AdvisorOne. I’m delighted that I convinced him to share his thoughts in this guest post. Good Writing is Good for Business By Gil Weinreich More than 15 […]
Please, no tiny fonts on your PowerPoint slides
You don’t want to make your audience strain their eyes, so make the text on your slides big enough. Savvy friends have told me to go no smaller than 28 points in my PowerPoint slide text. This squares with what Nancy Duarte says in slide:ology: For keynotes, don’t go smaller than 28 pt. If you […]
Marketing communication notes from #fpaexperience
Here are some highlights from sessions I attended at FPA Experience 2012, the Financial Planning Association’s annual conference, in San Antonio, Texas. You’ll notice my notes focus on marketing and communication, even when that wasn’t the speaker’s focus. Client engagement, according to Julie Littlechild Truly engaged clients are the clients who will refer business to […]
If you missed my email presentation at FPA Experience 2012…
Tips for writing effective emails were the focus of AdvisorOne’s interview with me, which appeared the week before my presentation to FPA Experience 2012 in San Antonio, Texas. If you missed my presentation, you can still get my advice in “Are Clients Deleting Your Emails?” on the AdvisorOne website. Want to learn more about writing […]
Finding easy-to-follow formulas for your blog posts
“Are there writing formulas I can follow?” This question from one of my blogging class students popped into my head as I read a Wall Street Journal article. Find formulas in newspapers If you’re an analytical, formula-loving blogger, then turn your eyes to The Wall Street Journal or another newspaper. You’ll find great models there. […]