5 PR tips for financial advisors
Public relations can be a powerful tool for financial advisors. In “How to Get PR Without Hiring an Agency,” Mike Byrnes shared many tips tailored to advisors in his presentation to the Financial Planning Association of Massachusetts on Feb. 27, 2013. I share some of his tips below, with an emphasis on the lesser-known tips. […]
Poll: Should you go ziplining on LinkedIn?
“Why did you mention ziplining on LinkedIn? It’s not business.” This comment by my husband made me think about what’s appropriate for sharing on social media. It also prompted the poll questions below. LinkedIn is the most business-oriented of the social media channels I use. I estimate that 95% of my status updates there are […]
Is Google+ worth the effort?
I didn’t understand the appeal of Google+, which is why I decided to read Guy Kawasaki’s What the Plus! Google+ for the Rest of Us. In his chapter on “Why I love Google+,” Kawasaki says, “Google+ has powerful and sophisticated features that the competition doesn’t, and Google+ does things in ways that make more sense […]
The Six Keys to Confident Presenting
Beverly Flaxington knows the investment and financial advice industry and she knows how clients and prospects think. I still remember how her explanation of personality types riveted the audience at a Boston Security Analysts Society presentation that I organized. I’m delighted to feature her advice below. The Six Keys to Confident Presenting By Beverly D. […]
4 Twitter #FF tips from my personal experience
Thanks to everyone who has favored me with a #FollowFriday (#ff for short), I’ve learned a few things about how to do it right. If you’d like to use the #ff hashtag to show respect or gratitude to others, consider these tips. 1. Keep your #ff tweets short Your #ff tweets will get retweeted if […]