Can mediocre blogs succeed?

“…Mediocre marketing with commitment works better than brilliant marketing without commitment,” says Jay Conrad Levinson, as quoted in C.J. Hayden’s Get Clients Now! The idea is that marketing on a regular basis is more likely to succeed than a rare but great form of outreach. After all, steady activity makes it likely that your name will appear in […]

Top posts on

Top five posts from the first quarter of 2013

In case you missed them, here are the top five posts from the Investment Writing blog during the first quarter of 2013. As I mull over what made them popular, I notice that #1 is a quirky, personal piece that seems unlikely to be found via online search. Perhaps the title, which defies expectations, is […]

Instructions for a bad wife

I’m a bad wife. I confess that I don’t always give my husband 100% of my attention. Maybe not even 75%. I’m trying to turn over a new leaf. But in the meantime, you may learn something about communication from my failure to accurately follow my husband’s parking instructions. Lesson 1: Don’t over-explain As a […]

Your opinion on advisor vs. adviser?

Poll: How quickly should you respond to internal emails?

Email is an essential part of communications for most businesses. The speed with which you reply to emails sends a message about your company. This is true even about emails sent within your firm. 2-day turnaround suggested by GTD guru I was surprised to read that the folks at the David Allen Company, the business […]

copywriter secret

The Copywriter’s #1 Secret…Revealed

The basic lessons of copywriting deserve repeating. Krista Magidson, whom I met through one of my favorite LinkedIn Groups, reminds us of the importance of plain English.   The Copywriter’s #1 Secret…Revealed By Krista Magidson You may be a financial planner extraordinaire or a wealth management wizard, but if you’re writing blog posts, emails, or […]