Week 5 of the virtual book tour for Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients

To see what you missed on the virtual book tour for Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients, please click the links below. Past week’s posts: Four Things Advisers Are Getting Right with Their Marketing on ClientsFirst Learn What Works in Winning Clients on Trust Company of America Write like a smart Cape Cod cyclist […]

Russian squirrel toy

Don’t be a squirrel when you blog

I’m a big fan of squirrels in my back yard. But when you blog, please don’t act like a squirrel. You’ll lose readers. I read about the squirrel syndrome in iPhone Millionaire. It’s the “natural human instinct to save the good stuff for later,” says author Michael Rosenblum. The squirrel syndrome expresses itself in blog posts that […]

Week 4 of the virtual book tour for Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients

To see what you missed on the virtual book tour for Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients, please click the links below. Last week’s posts: Write Social Media Updates with Confidence on Zywave 9 Ways A Virtual Assistant Can Streamline Your Financial Advisor Blogging on Nerd’s Eye View Write so technical topics are […]

The Future of Marketing is a Newsroom Mentality

Investment management marketing is taking forms that were inconceivable a decade ago. For a peek at what some fund firms are doing, I’m delighted to share “The Future of Marketing is a Newsroom Mentality,” with the permission of Ignites Distribution Research, where this article is normally behind a paywall. Since this article was originally reported, […]

Currier & Ives image

Museums can inspire your blog posts

Museums are one of the reasons I never run out of blog post ideas. Most often, there’s something about an image, title or a topic that sparks an idea for me. Here are some examples of museum-inspired posts: Writing lesson from a museum exhibit Blog like a Sasanian Blog post vs. white paper: How do […]