Investment commentary – How do you keep it fresh?

How do you keep your investment commentary fresh quarter after quarter? This is especially challenging for writers who cover a narrowly defined investment strategy and lack the freedom to go off on tangents. I’m thinking about writers of institutional investment performance commentaries rather than writers of high-net-worth quarterly client letters. Solution 1. Express an opinion […]

Blane Warrene

Tackling Vitriol in Your Digital Spaces

Blane Warrene has contributed a great deal to the spread of social media among financial advisors—both in terms of educating advisors and developing technology for social media archiving. In this guest post, he suggests techniques for handling nasty comments on social media websites where you have some control over what gets posted. Tackling Vitriol in […]

Asking reporters to send questions in advance

Working with reporters is easier and more productive when you understand how they work. You can ask reporters to send you questions before an interview. However, please don’t insist they do so, unless you want to sacrifice your opportunities. Many reporters refuse to send questions in advance. They fear it’ll destroy your spontaneity. Plus, they […]

@SusanWeiner Twitter birthday

Happy Twitter birthday to me! A reminder to try new things

I’m astonished to find myself celebrating my fifth birthday on Twitter. On the one hand, it feels like just yesterday that I joined Twitter. On the other hand, it’s hard for me to imagine life without Twitter. I joined Twitter reluctantly. It seemed as if all of my writer friends were buzzing about it, but […]

Your call-to-action choice makes a difference

One change made a big, bad difference in newsletter sign-ups from my website. Read what depressed my subscription numbers so you can avoid a similar fate. Swapping newsletter for book box A call-to-action (CTA) box with appealing text and an image boosts clicks by visitors to your website. That’s why my website redesign in 2012 […]