
Your “lollipop” doesn’t say what you think

Choose your words with attention to the many ways they may be interpreted. As a hike in the Rhode Island woods reminded me, your terminology may not convey the message you intend. On a muggy summer day, my husband and I set off on a “2.3-mile lollipop” hike. Quickly eyeballing the trail description, my husband […]

Focus on readers with “The Language of Trust”

The Language of Trust tells you why and how you can sell more effectively by focusing on your buyers. The following statement stuck with me: The first rule of building trust is to accept the fact that selling a product or idea has little to do with your company, what you’re offering, or your ideas. […]

Blogging Q&A with James McDonald

James McDonald of Index Strategy Advisors, a Houston-based firm that manages ETF-based portfolios, has made social media a key part of his firm’s marketing. He has built his firm’s assets under management from zero to more than $50 million in a little more than two years. This is part of a series of Q&As that […]

How to blog without giving it all away

  “I can’t guest blog for you because I don’t want to give away my secrets,” said a potential writer for my blog. My response to the author who made that comment? “Don’t give it all away. Blog about a narrow slice.” Whether you’re an author, advisor, or consultant, there are many elements that combine […]

Don’t sabotage your website’s news page

A news page featuring your firm’s mentions in the media can boost your credibility, as long as you avoid one financial advisor’s mistake. “Wow! This advisor hasn’t gotten any press since 2006.” That was my first thought when I looked at this advisor’s news page earlier this year. I immediately thought, “He should delete his […]