A case against writing outlines
I’m not a big fan of outlines. I wrote my Ph.D. dissertation using outlines. Perhaps that’s partly why the process felt like such a struggle. Since then, I’ve shifted from outlining to mind mapping. Here’s what Donald Murray, author of Writing to Deadline: The Author at Work, says about outlines: …I found that formal outlines […]
Perennially popular posts and top posts from the fourth quarter 2013
Some posts are perennial favorites on my blog. You’ll find a partial list below, based on traffic in the fourth quarter of 2013. Perennial favorites Looking at the list, it seems that most of their traffic comes from Google searches. “Ideal quarterly investment letters” is probably an exception because I share this post often. Poll: […]
FPA Connect – a secret weapon to improve your writing?
The Financial Planning Association of Colorado inspired this tip, as a result of my speaking there in April 2014. The tip? If you’re a Financial Planning Association member struggling to find plain language to explain a technical term, ask your colleagues on FPA Connect for help. If you’re not an FPA member, tap other organizations […]
How to live-tweet a financial conference
Live-tweeting a financial conference—tweeting as you attend the sessions—can reward you as well as the conference organizers and speakers. Do it right to maximize your benefits. Why live-tweet? Live-tweeting offers both personal and professional benefits. Personally, I find that I listen better when I take notes on a presentation. Live-tweeting is a form of note-taking, […]
Top 3 Compliance Concerns When Writing Your Blog
Compliance expert Cindi Hill very kindly reviewed the compliance section of my Financial Blogging book from the perspective of a registered investment advisor (RIA). I’m delighted to share her guest post on compliance and your blog. It seems to me that most of her advice also applies to other forms of advisor writing that might […]