Twitter power user’s tip: Share your Twitter name as live link
In less than 60 seconds you can supercharge the impact of sharing your Twitter name. Just follow my advice. Turn your Twitter name into a live link. You’ll pick up more followers faster. Don’t do this I was reminded of this issue when some colleagues shared their Twitter names as comments on a Facebook post. […]
3 ways to add word images to your social media
I’m a word lover, but even I have to admit that images can punch up your written communications. I’ve written earlier about using photos, but sometimes word-based images can do the trick. Here are three techniques I’ve used to generate them, starting with the most sophisticated. But I’m no techno-geek. If I can use these […]
How to discuss index and portfolio returns: My case against synonyms for “return”
How many ways can you say “returned” when writing about indexes and portfolios? This question seems to eat at many investment and marketing professionals. I’m delighted that writers of market and portfolio performance commentary seek to make their writing more lively for their readers. I know that’s why they’re asking about synonyms for the verb […]
Seven tips for slogging through blogging: Lessons from the Blogathon
“How can I force myself to blog regularly?” The investment and wealth managers in my blogging classes often ask this question. I grappled with this challenge during the 2010 Word Count Blogathon, for which I committed to post daily. And now I’m participating in the 2014 Blogathon. So this is a good time for me […]
Blogging Q&A with David Merkel of Aleph Blog
I met investment manager David Merkel when he contacted me about speaking to Baltimore’s CFA Society. I’ve noticed that his Aleph Blog posts frequently get picked up in investment blogs’ roundups, including Tadas Viskanta’s Abnormal Returns. Having met many people who blog in the hope of attracting clients, I was intrigued by David’s statement on […]