Top posts on

Top posts from the first quarter of 2014

Did you miss something? Below you’ll find a list of my most popular blog posts from last quarter, as measured by Google Analytics. Since I wrote “Your call-to-action choice makes a difference” I’ve tinkered with the call to action on my blog, moving my newsletter CTA box back to the upper right-hand corner of my […]

white paper

Which investment white paper would you read?

Your white paper will attract more or fewer readers based partly on your decisions. Your title—and the way you position your topic—are critical. I’ve listed some titles below. Think about which you find most appealing. If you understand what boosts the appeal of these titles, you can generate strong titles for your white papers. I […]

nvestment manager blogging tips

Top problems in asset management firms’ blog posts

Investment management firms are joining the blogosphere, but they’re off to a rocky start. Here are some mistakes that I’ve seen as I’ve sampled asset managers’ blog posts. Mistake 1: Failing to adapt materials written for other media Materials written for other media don’t transfer well to blogs. For example, I’m thinking about traditional market […]

Content strategy and someone like you

How can you keep the attention of your audience? That’s a big concern for anyone publishing anything these days. The following sentence caught my eye in The Content Strategy Take Back to Work Toolkit in a Northwestern University class that I took on Coursera: In order to hold the attention and interest of an audience, […]

Close-up Of Black Electricity Paralled lines in Cable Vertical On A Spool

Writing a list? Use parallel construction

Lists are a great way to provide easy-to-skim content. This accounts for the popularity of blog posts with titles such as “Top 10 Ways to…” or “3 fatal mistakes of…” However, please construct your posts well, or you’ll lose readers. One of the most important rules for lists is to use parallel construction. What’s that? […]