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Top posts from the third quarter of 2014

Check out my top posts from the last quarter! They’re a mix of practical tips on writing (#2, 4, and 10), email (#3), investment commentary (#5 and 8), and lessons I’ve learned from painful experience (#1 and 6). Two posts feature insights from guest experts (#7 and 9). How to market your self-published book: Lessons […]

How and Why to Use Sliding Pop-ups

Email lists are a key part of online marketing for financial advisors—and for me, too. I was intrigued when advisor Dave Grant told me on Facebook that he was using a sliding pop-up with a chat function to get more mileage out of his website. His guest post below resulted from our discussion. How and […]

Boost your newsletter list’s power with this tip

If your newsletter is a good source of prospects who turn into clients, this tip can help you boost its effectiveness. Contact people who land on your “bounce” list when your newsletter stops reaching them. Your message is a gentle reminder of your availability. Plus, updating their email addresses means you’ll still be in touch […]

Book between bookends

Plain language: Let’s get parenthetical

Plain language makes your documents more appealing and easier to understand. But circumstances may require you to use jargon. For example, you may be a financial marketer or professional working for bosses or departments that insist on using technical or unfamiliar terms. You can help reader comprehension by explaining the term in the sentence where […]

Financial advisor blogging Q&A: Michael J. Evans

Michael J. Evans of The Cogent Advisor in Chicago is the latest participant in my Q&A series with financial advisors who blog. Advisor Tim Maurer suggested Michael for this series, saying via Twitter, “@CogentAdvisor stands out as a recovering commodities trader serving traders through evidence-based investing.” I was interested to learn how Michael manages the […]