
Should you correct other people’s writing mistakes?

The quality of your writing affects what other people think of you. That’s a good reason to polish your writing. But what if you see errors in other people’s writing? Should you tell them if you’re not working as an editor? It depends. I pose four questions that can help you decide whether to act. […]

Susan's tweet about RIA blogs

RIA blogs recommended by my Twitter friends

Looking for good blogs by registered investment advisors or financial advisors? An impromptu Twitter exchange in February yielded the following recommendations, with thanks to @QuonWarrene for providing the first reply to my question: Bason Asset Management, written by James Osborne, @BasonAsset Beacon Wealthcare, written by Sam Bass, @Beaconwc Cheaply Seeking Fitness, written by Nathan Gehring, […]

Should you link to others in your blog?

If your blog focuses solely on your own content, perhaps it’s time to change. Consider incorporating links to other people’s content. High quality links reflect positively on you. “…The ability to aggregate really strong links helps bloggers’ credibility,” as Sara Quinn says in Naveed Saleh’s The Complete Guide To Article Writing. A section of Saleh’s […]

which vs. that

That vs. which: Which is right?

Writers often use “which” when they should use “that.” The reverse is also true. It took me a while to learn this myself. This post offers some guidance on your choices. The “That” rule “That” is for essential clauses. The sentence doesn’t make sense without the clause. Take a sentence like the following: Inflation that […]

3Cs of investment commentary InvestmentWriting

Should your investment commentary be different?

“Should your investment commentary present a distinctive point of view?” That’s the great question posed by a participant in one of my presentations on “How To Write Investment Commentary People Will Read.” My answer? It depends. What is the distinctive point of view? If a distinctive point of view means ideas that hold their own […]