Spice up your blog with free or low-cost photos

A photo can make the difference between whether someone reads—or skips—your financial blog post.

Here are some free or low-cost sources for photos you can use in your blog and elsewhere.

  1. FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  2. stock.xchng
  3. Wikimedia Commons, which I discussed in “When your blog demands a photo of a public figure
  4. Compfight
  5. Flickr’s Creative Commons licensed content
  6. morgueFile
  7. RGBStock.com
  8. Pexels.com
  9. Pixabay.com

Make sure you carefully read—and abide by—the licensing agreements for each photo. Photos on the same website may have different requirements. I like FreeDigitalPhotos.net’s clear explanation of how its photos should be credited. If you’re using photos on your blog, you may need photos that are approved for commercial use.

I learned about some of these sources from @LawWriting,@ErikSherman, and my fellow writers at Freelance Success. Thanks, friends!

If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy “When your blog demands a photo of a public figure.”

Note: This post was updated on May 29, 2013, and April 23, 2017. 

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  1. […] Finding an image is easy when you write about a concrete topic like grasshoppers. Simply search your favorite photo bank for your thing–the noun you’re writing about. Check my earlier blog post for free or low-cost photo sources. […]

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